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Snare of Love novel Chapter 319

“A little.” The general managers of several branches had toasted him, he had to drink.

He got even closer, the hot air from his words sprayed next to her face, tingling and itching. Dolores slightly turned her head sideways. Matthew pinched her face to make her upright and looked at him. He asked, “Does it smell bad?”

Dolores nodded, “It’s all the smell of alcohol, what do you think?”

“Then I’ll go bathing.” He smothered a laugh, “Do you want to bathe with me?”

Dolores blushed in shame and pushed him, “Don’t be silly.”

Seeing her blush, he smiled even deeper. He stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

Soon the sound of rushing water came out from the bathroom.

Dolores wrapped herself tightly in the quilt. She was inexplicably nervous.

Not long after, a low voice came from the bathroom, “Help me with my clothes.”

Dolores looked up and looked at the glass door of the bathroom, remembering that she had put the only bathrobe on when she took a shower. There was none inside now.

She held her forehead as she forgot to put another set inside.

She got up and went to the cupboard to find a new set. She did prepare these household items when she moved here. She tore off the label, walked to the bathroom door and knocked, “Here you go.”

Soon, the door of the bathroom was opened and a grip was placed on her wrist. Before she could react, she was pulled inside and she was pinned against the wall.

He had just taken a shower. The whole bathroom was foggy. His firm body was covered with dense crystal droplets of water.

“What are you doing ... Hmm...”

Before she could finish her words, she was kissed on the lips and drowned in his passion.


A pair of shadows shifted on the glass door of the bathroom.

It was fiery and long.

Dolores did not know when he would finish. In the end, she lost her strength and relied on him to hold her, or else she would have lain down.

In a daze, she was carried to the bed and wrapped in the quilt. She was exhausted but there was still someone making a mess on her mouth. She used all her strength to bite his lips. Matthew frowned and soon he stretched his brows. He asked in a muffled voice, “Still want to continue?”

“Bastard!” Dolores rebuked angrily, but she was so tossed out of breath that the word she came out was as if she was acting coquettishly.

Her body was covered with his marks. He knew that she was really tired, so he did not continue to torment her but instead he hugged her and slept. He gently patted her back and coaxed, “I’m an asshole, I’m an asshole ...”

Dolores slept soundly. When she woke up, no one was around her.

She got up, took her phone from the table and glanced at the time. It was almost one o’clock. She opened her eyes widely. Had she slept all morning?

It was not just Matthew here. Victoria and Jayden were here too. Why she did not wake up?

What would others think of her?

She quickly lifted the quilt and got out of bed. Not sure if it was because she was moving too fast or because she had been ‘abused’ by Matthew last night, her legs went weak and she almost fell. Luckily, she held the bedside table quickly so she did not fall. She stood and rested for a while before walking. When she went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth, she noticed the marks left by Matthew. She frowned, how could she go out and meet others?

In her mind, she cursed Matthew a thousand times again.

After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she went to the cupboard to find herself a black turtleneck jumper and a plaid skirt. After tidying up, she walked downstairs.

She was slightly relieved as she did not see Victoria and Jayden in the living room, otherwise, she would feel embarrassed.

“Get up already?” It was New Year’s Eve and there was no one at the villa, so they called her over to spend New Year's Eve with them. She greeted Dolores when she saw her.

Dolores scratched a handful of hair to hide her discomfort. She did not look at Coral’s eyes and gave a faint “hmm” sound.

Hearing Dolores’ voice, Matthew shut his computer. He was looking at the year-end report but he did not want to look at it now. He stood up from the sofa and looked at her, “You shall be hungry, right?”

Dolores ignored him as she was angry.

She walked down the stairs and walked towards the dining room.

Coral smiled, “There’s rice heating up for you in the kitchen, I’ll go and bring it to you.”

Dolores pulled out a chair and sat down as Coral brought her the hot dishes. Seeing Matthew enter, she went out sagely, “It’s snowing outside, I’ll go to the courtyard to enjoy the snow scene.”

Matthew came up from her back, braced his hands on her two sides, and put his lips to her ear, “Are you angry?”

Dolores buried her head, held the bowl with both her hands and took a sip of hot soup.

She completely treated Matthew as air.


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