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Snare of Love novel Chapter 327

"How, how could you know?" Dolores was taken aback.

She narrowed her eyes when she realized what was going on the next second. "You've known all along but didn't tell me?"

"Don't think too much..." Matthew said, tightening his grip on her.

"I wasn't thinking too much, if you didn't know, how could you tell just now?"

Her thinking was becoming clearer now that she had overcome the initial stage of terror.

A notion like this went through her mind… Matthew had a reason to hide from her.

Was it Randolph, rather than Jessica that got into trouble? And Matthew kept it hidden from her because it had something to do with Jessica?

Jessica's plan to remarry Randolph was clear to her, and she had a purpose for it.

She regretted not stopping Jessica when she thought of this.

"How long has it been since it happened?" With her eyes lowered, she asked.

"Before the new year," Matthew said after a little pause.

That was a few days ago.

"Is there proof?" Dolores continued.

"Randolph ingested too much nitrate, and your mother has been cooking his meals all by herself, according to the maid."

She opened her mouth but couldn't say anything.

Why hadn't she seen Jessica's motive sooner? It was all remorse and guilt.

In the middle of the breezing night, Matthew stopped the car in front of the police station of City B.

Boyce was standing at the door, and when he saw their car approaching the gate, he took a step forward.

Dolores exited the car and paused at the door.

Matthew approached her, hugged and consoled her. "Boyce is here to look after her, she'll be alright."

Dolores nodded.

Boyce said, "Let's go."

Boyce led them to his station office, where he had made plans to bring Jessica over tonight.

"I'd like to have a private conversation with her." Dolores expressed herself.

Boyce looked at Matthew and said after he permitted. "Come in, I'll bring her over later, no one will be here today."

Meaning she could talk to Jessica without fear of being monitored or eavesdropped on.

Dolores entered the office with a nod.

Boyce cleaned up the place and made it look neat and tidy.

Dolores sat on the sofa, her mind blank, she was eager to meet Jessica and inquired whether what she had imagined was true.

Her body froze with her back straightened as the door was pushed open, but she was scared to turn her head.

While Jessica's steps sounded cautious, Boyce poured two glasses of water and placed them on the table.

"Take your time," he said.

They were free to stay as long as they wanted.

Dolores replied with a yes and Boyce went out closing the door behind him.

Jessica stood behind her and called, "Lola."

Dolores clenched her fists but remained silent.

Jessica sighed and walked over.


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