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Snare of Love novel Chapter 332

The man was stunned. What did he say?

He suddenly realized what Matthew was saying. He looked at Abbott, “I told Mr. Nelson that your girlfriend is pretty.”

Abbott froze. His knees went weak. Then Abbott widened his eyes and glared at the man, “Damn, are you blind? I don’t have a girlfriend.”

Dolores stood beside Matthew, and she could see Matthew’s blue veins bulging out on his temples. Dolores silently leaned against Matthew.

But Dolores was complaining in her heart. That man didn’t know about them, and that was why he misunderstood.

Why the fuss?

The man was confused. What was going on in here?

He looked at Abbott, then he looked at Dolores.

Did he say the wrong thing?

The man was sweating, “I…”

Dolores knew Matthew was bad-tempered. She didn’t want to disturb Matthew when he was working, which was why she didn’t head into the office right away, and that caused a misunderstanding. Dolores didn’t want Matthew to throw tantrums at someone else.

Dolores looked at the man, “I was actually looking for Mr. Nelson. You should leave now.”

The man didn’t dare to make any move. He looked at Matthew like he was waiting for his order.

Matthew scolded the man, “Didn’t you hear what she said?”

The man was stunned. He gazed at Matthew slack-jawed. Did he find out something he shouldn’t?

This woman…

“Why are you still here?” Abbott glared at the man.

The man rushed to the exit and accidentally hit the door. A bump appeared on his forehead right away. Abbott made fun of him, “It seemed like you are poor-sighted. You should go to the hospital for check-ups.”

“Yes, yes, I should,” the man ran out of the office covering his forehead.

Abbott laughed fondly, “He wasn’t seeing things right. He made a mistake.”

However, Matthew didn’t buy Abbott’s story. He continued glancing at Abbott.

Abbott was terrified. He looked at Dolores and asked for help.

It wasn’t his fault. Don’t let Matthew torture him.

When Dolores wanted to say something, Matthew stopped her, “You want to put in words for him?”

Dolores changed her mind right away.

Abbott gave up.

He felt like he was having bad lucks today.

Dolores held Matthew’s arm and asked, “What time do you get off work?”

Matthew was still mad. He didn’t reply to Dolores’ question.

Dolores stood on tiptoe and hugged Matthew’s neck, trying to be cute, “I’m hungry. Can we please go eat?”

Dolores waved her hand at Abbott behind Matthew. Abbott understood her signal and slowly moved towards the exit.

Matthew lowered his head and looked at Dolores. The way Dolores smiled made her eyes looked like the bright crescent moon. Matthew ordered Abbott without raising his head, “You’ll be responsible for the acquisition.”

Abbott took a breath of relief, “Sure.”

Then, Abbott quickly walked out of the room and closed the door.

Dolores let go of Matthew and wanted to take a step back. However, Matthew hugged her waist and pulled her back into his arms. He pouted, “Why? You want to leave once you finished using me?”

Matthew and Dolores were so close to each other. Dolores lowered her head and said softly, “You’re petty.”

Matthew raised Dolores’ chin and kissed her lightly on her lips, “I’m petty?”

Matthew thought that he was only being human. No man could ever stand the thought of having his girlfriend recognized as somebody else’s.

“So domineering,” Dolores thought.

Dolores said carefully, “Please call Armand. I need to see him.”

Matthew felt speechless.

“Oh, why did you ask me to come here?” Dolores suddenly reminded.

Matthew was so busy around the clock lately that he didn’t have time to sit down and have a proper meal with Dolores. He asked his secretary to make a reservation at a restaurant and planned to invite Dolores over for dinner. That was why Matthew asked Dolores to come over to his office.

Matthew didn’t answer Dolores’ question, but instead, he replied to her with another question, “What do you need Armand for?”

Dolores took a deep breath when she reminded of the suffering and the struggles Theresa went through. She raised her head and looked at Matthew, “I want to beat him up.”

Matthew stared at Dolores and paused for a while. Then, he blinked his eyes and rubbed his temples. He didn’t know how to react to Dolores’ request.


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