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Snare of Love novel Chapter 341

Phoebe looked at him, "Then what relationship do you want me to be with you?"

Cody laughed, "What else do you have? Other than you being my mistress? You can't have children and don't have tender skin, so what else do you want to be?"

Phoebe was speechless after Cody asked her a series of rhetorical questions.

She was not young and had a broken body, so what else could she do?

She stared at Cody, "Then what do you want from me?"

Cody once again looked at the upper right corner and lifted his chin, "Someone over there should want to see what my relationship with you is."

Phoebe looked up and saw a camera in the top right corner in a place not easily seen. Then she stared at it with wide, searching, fearful eyes. She couldn't help but wonder who would sit in front of the other side of the camera.

Her heart pounded violently, "Are you framing me?"

Cody put his hands in his pockets and looked like a jerk, "Who is framing you? How could you say something like that? Didn't we were in a consensual relationship at the beginning? Who sat on my lap as soon as I came in? Who would rather be my mistress and stay with me? Are you saying I'm framing you? What do you have to offer me to frame you? You should be glad that you still have value to use now. If you really get to the point where you have no use at all, that will be the most pathetic time for you."

Phoebe didn't know where to put her hands, and her palms were sweating. What should she do then? What was she supposed to do now? She wanted to run away so badly.

Cody took one look at the wretched Phoebe and didn't feel any pity for her, even though she had been his mistress for almost ten years.

In his opinion, women were for fun. Since he gave women money, women had to have sex with him.

Suddenly, Phoebe rushed out of the room. And then she pushed open the door of one room after another until she pushed open the door of the second room and saw Armand sitting there. And the big screen on the wall in the room was still showing the image of the room she had just been in.

She was shaking, and her voice had become hoarse, "Armand, listen to me..."

Armand slowly looked over at her. There was no anger or overwhelming emotion in his eyes, and he looked calm. And even he thought it was strange for him to be like this.

In fact, he didn't love her after all. Therefore, after he learned about her past, he did not get very angry. And what made him angry was that she had cheated him.

The woman he used to think was innocent was not and was full of schemes.

He thought he was ridiculous. And he didn't even realize she was like that.

"What do you want to explain to me? You want to explain to me that you didn't leave me for that wealthy heir's money? Do you want to explain to me that the reason why you can't have children is not that you are infertile, but because of multiple abortions? "

"No! It's not like that..." Phoebe rushed in and grabbed his arm, "Armand, listen to me! I really love you..."

"Because you love me, you choose to be another man's mistress?"

Armand shook her off and stared at her with a gloomy gaze, "Why didn't I realize you were so scheming before?"

Phoebe held her arms and wept bitterly. She loved Armand in her heart, but her love for Armand was not more important to her than money, so she chose money.

Later, she realized that if she continued to stay with Cody, there was no way out for her. Besides, she had become older and less beautiful, and Cody was tired of her, so she wanted to go back to Armand.

If she had a chance to choose someone who could give her a better life and someone she liked to live with, it would be Armand.

However, now, she had some regrets. If she had been willing to go through the hard times with Armand, she would be Mrs. Bernie now, with both fame and fortune.

Unfortunately, it was too late for her to regret it.

Now, she had nothing left.

She hugged Armand's leg, and her tears smeared her delicate makeup, "For the sake of us once being together, can you give me one more chance?"

Armand let out a laugh, "Do you want me to give you a chance to make me feel sick?"

Phoebe was dumbfounded, but she had no one else to turn to now. Who else could she go to but Armand?

When she looked around, she found that Armand was the only one who was handsome, rich, and whom she liked.

"Please." Phoebe clung to his leg and wouldn't let go, "Armand, I know I'm wrong. I mean it! I'm begging you to give me a chance. I will make things right and stay with you. And I will take care of your grandmother for you. Armand, please." Phoebe's face pressed against his calf. She was crying while sniffling.


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