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Snare of Love novel Chapter 349

The doctor seemed to be used to such scene and he was calm as he asked the medical staff to push in the hospital bed, “Send it to the operating theatre quickly.”

Armand put her gently and the doctor began to ask, “How did the patient get injured?”


The doctor knew what to prepare for and went into the theatre after whispering to the assistant.

Armand wanted to follow him as he was in too much of a hurry.

The medical staff stopped him, “Family members aren’t allowed to enter the operating theatre. Please wait outside.”

“It doesn’t matter how much it costs. Please save her.” He stood near the door that was about to close and shouted towards the doctor.

The doctor heard what he said but he ignored it. As a doctor, he would definitely do his best.

Armand was stopped outside.

He felt that his world had collapsed and didn’t know what to do.

He walked back and forth in the corridor. Time passed by, but there was no movement inside. This made him to be anxious, cranky and he couldn’t settle down.

He knew that it was useless to be anxious, but he still couldn’t calm himself down.

Theresa has no family in China, only Dolores Flores was close to her. In case she was agitated when she came out and saw him, there was no one who can take care of her. Then, he touched his pocket, but his phone had dropped earlier. Just when he didn’t know how to contact Dolores, he called out to a nurse who passed by, “Can I borrow your phone to make a call?”

The nurse looked at his wretched appearance, then took her phone out and handed it to him.

“Thanks.” He took it, but he didn’t call Dolores at first because he didn’t remember her phone number. He just saved it in his phone, but he remembered Matthew’s.

He dialed Matthew’s number.

Matthew was in the company and he was talking to old Mr. Day as the Day family had faced a scandal that caused the loss of interests of their cooperation, so he had come all the way to apologize. There was a clause in the contract which the other party was able to terminate the contract as whoever undermined their interests.

old Mr. Day was afraid that Matthew would terminate their cooperation, thus he rushed to meet him.

“I’ll settle this matter quickly. Don’t worry, it will absolutely not cause too much impact.” He still looked spirited and young, but a little tired because of this incident.

Matthew spoke unhurriedly, “As far as I know, the Day Group has already been affected to a certain extent due to this matter.”

“Yes, please trust me that I’ll give you a solution as soon as possible.”

At this time, Matthew’s phone on the table vibrated. He glanced at it and said, “I’ll take a call.”

After finished saying, he walked out of the meeting room, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the corridor and answered the call.


“It’s me. Is Dolores there?”

“Looking for her for something?” he raised his eyebrows lightly.

“Yes. Theresa …is in the hospital. Her fate is uncertain …” His voice was choked with sobs, “She has no family in China. I think she would be able to feel reassured if she sees Dolores.”

“What happened?”

“It’s a long story. I lost my phone and now I’m borrowing someone else’s. I’m in No.2 People's hospital now.”


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