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Snare of Love novel Chapter 364

Standing by the door was a young, beautiful woman.

She was not a bit surprised to see Matthew, as if she knew that he would come.

It would be odd if it wasn’t him.

“Are you here to get something?” the woman smilingly asked.

Under the light, the woman’s countenance was as glistening jade. When she spoke, her almond-shaped eyes were as bright as the moon. Her beautiful voice was soft and tender, and her beauty was totally incomparable.

However, in the eyes of Matthew, there was nothing special; it’s just a woman.

For such a gorgeous woman, he didn’t change his facial expression. Even his tone was indifferent and distant, “Yeah.”

The woman smiled and turned sideways, “Come in.”

Matthew scowled slightly, and somewhat puzzled.

He had never seen this woman with Jeffery.

Also, why would Jeffery left things here to a young woman?

“My father and Uncle Terrell Harris have been friends for many years. The data of the new recruits who are much prominent during the last training are at my father’s. Uncle Harris wants to see, but my father is busy, so he let me come here…” The woman explained, “My name is Chloe Chambers. If you have any questions, just call and ask Uncle Harris.”

Chloe explained very clearly. Matthew had nothing to say, and he stepped inside.

Chloe closed the door, turned around and handed him the document folder on the table.

When Matthew took it, Chloe didn’t let go of it.

She looked at Matthew, “You’re not curious on why did Uncle Harris let me deliver these documents to you? Think, as for the level of my dad and Uncle Harris, they have security guards with them, and they are on the same unit. They don’t need to go through such troubles to use me to meet with you for this document.”

Matthew remained calm, and his original doubts were shown, “Oh? Did you know?”

“Of course I know about it. Before my father let me come here, I heard their conversation on the phone.” Chloe then sat on the sofa comfortably.

She knew that Matthew would be interested on listening.

Matthew nodded slightly. He didn’t want to know what they said. Rather, he wanted to know why Jeffery did it.

She smiled beautifully, “Do you want me to tell you?”

It’s obvious that she didn’t want to say it quickly.

For a proud man like Matthew, he would be grasped in the hands of a woman?

He faintly glanced at her, and stepped out of the room.

She didn’t think that he wouldn’t ask. She stood up and walked over. Matthew was already at the elevator going down.

She stood by the door, and started to laugh, “As expected from Matthew.”

Being the youngest, richest person, he not only had countless wealth, but also a face that would make women swooned over.

She was looking forward for the next match of his father and Jeffery.

Before, she only knew that Matthew was rich and had a handsome face. When they met today, it turned out that people who had these characteristics were naturally confident and calm, and that’s what made them attractive.

Matthew got in the car with the item returning to the company. Chloe’s words left him with a question mark.

What Jeffery did today was really strange.

The car was parked under the company’s garage. When he got down the car, he inadvertently saw the document folder, picked it up, and walked to the elevator.

With the sound of a ding, the elevator then opened.

He got off the elevator, passed by the secretary’s desk, and said, “Let Abbott come to my office.”

Afterwards, he pushed open the door to the office and walked inside. He placed the document folder onto the desk, and pulled his neckline. Abbott then walked into the office.

He pointed at the document on the table, and let him deliver it to Jeffery.

Abbott said okay. When he took the document and walked to the door, Matthew called him, “Hold on.”


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