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Snare of Love novel Chapter 379

A cold chill washed over Abbott Baron, he was muttering in his mind, who was calling him at this moment. With the sharp eyes of Matthew Nelson on him, he took out his phone and saw the display on it, he suddenly felt relieved.

There were hundreds of senior executives sitting in front and all of them were looking at Abbott, the company had stipulated that the phone must be kept silent during the meeting.

Abbott straightened his back and answered the call.

Dolores Flores swallowed the food in her mouth and talked to the phone, “How is the thing that I let you investigate?”

Abbott couldn’t understand at the first moment, what thing did she let him investigate?

Dolores put down the chopsticks, “I’ve let you help me to investigate the management company in which Sean is staying, is it that you forget it or you haven’t investigate it?”

Abbott suddenly understood of what she said, even if Dolores was the one who called him, but it was still not appropriate for him to talk on the phone in front of all the senior executives in company, occupying the time for meeting.

He looked at Matthew Nelson and showed him the phone’s screen to let him see the caller ID.

Abbott had remarked Dolores as ‘Mrs. Nelson’.

Matthew frowned but didn’t scold Abbott, he let Abbott go outside to answer the call.

Abbott smiled and said okay.

Dolores was a bit impatient as she didn’t get an answer from Abbott, “Are you busy?”

“Not busy, not busy.” Abbott closed the door of the meeting room.

He found a quiet place with nobody around, “You hung up the phone too fast last time, I had not enough time to tell you that Sean didn’t signed any management company. Now he only has an agent with him.”

Dolores frowned more heavily, “Then can you find where is he?”

“He was back to the country just few days ago and is now staying at 108 TL West Road,“ Abbott said.

Dolores was very satisfied, “Em.”

“Wait.” Abbott stopped Dolores when she just wanted to hang up the phone, “Do you know Sean?”

Dolores told honestly, “I don’t know.”

“Then why are you looking for him?”

“For my work, why, can’t I?” Dolores felt that Abbott seemed to be asking a bit too much.

“Don’t you know his identity?” Abbott asked tentatively.

Dolores got interested, “What is his identity?”

Abbott opened his mouth, but when he just wanted to talk, he felt that this shouldn’t be told by him.

“You will know it when it’s the time.” Abbott hung up the phone after telling this.

Dolores didn’t know, so it meant that she didn’t told Matthew that she was looking for Sean, if not she wouldn’t have to let him investigate the address.

Dolores looked at the phone, she didn’t know to cry or to laugh, why did this person always give Conversational Blue Balls?

He had aroused her interest, then suddenly stopped to tell?

Was it fun?

She put down her phone and went out after finishing her meal. She got into her car and set the address on her phone’s navigation to 108 TL West Road, she didn’t know the route at this place, so she could only rely on the navigation.

She drove the car toward this direction according to the navigation, but it became more remote as she became nearer to the destination. She couldn’t help muttering in her mind, would a well-known celebrity live so far away?

The houses on both sides of the street were very old, there would be a grocery occasionally. There was no pedestrian on the street, sometimes even if there was, it would be the elderly.

The people living in this residential area were mainly the elderly, she had read about Sean from Baidu. He was not only a hot celebrity now, he was also still at a young age, why would he live in such an old residential area?

Some more, a celebrity like him won’t be lacking money, right?

Dolores couldn’t stop suspecting that the information which was given by Abbott was fake.

When she just wanted to give up, she saw the house number 108, mainly because she had noticed a young person who was lingering in front of this building and was wearing a cap, there was a camera in his arms, it was obvious that the person was a reporter who wanted to sneak pictures.


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