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Snare of Love novel Chapter 387

“You should go home now.”

Sean thought that Matthew would scold him. However, it turned out that Matthew just asked him to go home.

He was relieved in his heart after it.

“Okay, alright.” Sean was smiling sincerely.

Since he had not come back home for a long time, he should go back and take a look at it now.

In fact, Jeffery was his father. Besides, he should also go back to visit Marina.

Sean was looking at Dolores and it seemed like he wanted to say something. He wished to explain the words that he said in the elevator. However, since Matthew was there, it was not good timing for him to explain to her at the moment. Thus, he pondered for a while and decided to let it go as he still had a chance to do so afterwards.

Luckily, he had promised Dolores to help her with the endorsement and did not request an appearance fee. Otherwise, he would be more embarrassed at that time.

He sighed in his heart and felt that the world was too small.

Dolores was with Matthew?

Sean smiled and entered the lift. Coincidentally, he met the man again that he saw when coming there.

The man mentioned that Sean was alone and then he asked, “Where’s your girlfriend?”

Sean glared at him angrily, “Which one of your eyes see that I have a girlfriend?”

“I saw it with the two of my eyes. Not only that, both of you were holding hands with each other and it seemed that you all were falling in love.” The man just spoke without hesitating.

The expression of Sean became even fiercer, “If you continue to talk nonsense, I will rip out your eyes.”

The man was taken aback. He thought that Sean was just joking with his angry face. However, it seemed that his ruthlessness of the moment was not fake. How did he change his facial expression so quickly?

Sean was doing so because he was afraid of making a misunderstanding. He was afraid that the man would simply spread the rumor in the company.

After all, the identity of Dolores…

He was talking such nonsense because he did not know the truth before that. However, he must not make such jokes for now.

Fatty saw that Sean going back alone, he blinked his eyes and asked, “How come you are going back alone?”

How did the manacles open?

Sean did not make any explanation to him, he just opened the car door and got into the car, “Go home.”

Fatty knew that Sean was not having a good relationship with Jeffery. He had no idea what did Sean mean of going home, he asked carefully, “Do you mean going back to the home of Harris?”

Sean raised his eyes and his handsome face was a bit twisted sullenly, “How many homes do I have, hmm?”

Fatty knew his character well and did not get angry at him. He just started the car and drove it out there.

Since they were going back to the home of the Harris family, he drove towards that direction.

Since his matter was settled, they would not need to be afraid of paparazzi or reporters.

The Harris family lived in a residential area with good security and the outsiders could not enter it.

On the other hand, Matthew and Dolores were back in the office. The secretary served two glasses of water to them. Dolores took the glass of water and took a sip, “Sean is Jeffery’s son?”

It seemed like she just asked the question casually but she was speaking in a confirmed tone.

Matthew gave her a positive answer.

Dolores lowered her eyes. It was such a coincidence.

“I didn't expect that Simona’s teacher was related to you.” Dolores was sighing at how small the world was.

In the end, all the people were in the same small circle.

Matthew placed his arm around her waist, “What did he tell you?”

Obviously, Sean was guilty. Thus, he must have said something to Dolores before he knew about her identity.

Dolores turned her head to look at him. Matthew was staying too close to her. Her eyelashes scraped his face when she was turning her head. He felt a bit itchy on his face. Then, he whispered in her ear, “What did he say about me?”

Dolores thought for a while and then she said purposely, “He said you were unfaithful in love.”


Dolores was laughing. Her blue mood which was affected by Jessica turned much better, “Was he saying the wrong thing?”

He was hugging her. Then, Dolores’s body was bang into his arms. Her heart hurt due to the hit. She pushed him a bit but he was too powerful and his body was like a hard unshakeable mountain standing there.

His gaze was flashing with fire. It looked hot and lingering, “I only want to sleep with you.”

Dolores was speechless.

Her face was flushing, he…

Matthew was laughing in a low voice and then he bent over to kiss her lips lightly, “Do you know that my heart was fluttering when I look at your blushing face?”


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