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Snare of Love novel Chapter 398

“Don’t make a fuss, all the evidence is directing to you now. It is impossible to release you before investigating clearly.” The police officer who was interrogating her saw that she was having a difficult time. The police also thought that this was an excuse to avoid the interrogation or an attempt to be uncomfortable so that she could be released on bail.

She could not be released on bail according to her current situation.

Dolores was so uncomfortable that she did not want to speak anymore.

The police officer who was in charge of recording patted his colleague beside him, “Better stop the interrogation. Send her to the infirmary.”

“You’re not allowed to go in, there is an interrogation going on inside.”

At this moment, there was a commotion at the doorway.

Boyce was familiar with the place and barged in with his gun.

“Boyce, do you know what are you doing?” The police officer who was in charge of the interrogation looked at Boyce.

Boyce glanced at him sternly and did not pay much attention to him. He must have thought of the consequences since he dared to barge in. As long as he did not really hurt anybody, there was no big deal at all other than just being dismissed.

His gaze fell on Dolores, “Dolores, are you alright?”

Dolores shook her head but she was weak and feeble.

Boyce walked over quickly and assisted her, “Are you uncomfortable?”

Dolores nodded and she did not know that whether it was because of drinking the wine, so her stomach was uncomfortable. Now, her lower abdomen was painful too.

“Let me take you to the hospital.” Boyce helped her up when Officer Sharp rushed in and blocked their way out.

“Ms. Flores is now a suspect. She is not allowed to be taken away.”

“Get out of the way!” Boyce pointed his gun at him violently, “Get out of the way immediately! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

Officer Sharp was not intimidated, but he took a step forward and placed his forehead against Boyce’s gun. He was sure that Boyce would not fire him.

“Boyce, now Ms. Flores’s guilt is undetermined and still under investigation. If she goes with you today, I’m afraid it will be even disadvantageous for her. You can put your own future at risk, but can you also put Ms. Flores’s life at risk?”

Dolores grabbed Boyce’s arm and withdrew his gun. She could not let Boyce get himself into this trouble.

“I’m fine. Although I’m being investigated, I’m still concerned about my life. You leave first.”


“But what, I ask you to leave. What is the benefit of getting yourself into this trouble?” Dolores interrupted him.

It was clear that she was particularly aimed in this matter.

It was useless for Boyce to create such a commotion.

There is no point in taking her out.

As long as there was no evidence showing that she had not killed anybody, she could not get rid of this trouble.

“But your current body.” Boyce was worried.

Dolores shook her head. Her forehead was already full of perspiration while her lips were dry. If Boyce had not been holding her up, she might not be able to stand up.


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