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Snare of Love novel Chapter 413

“If you had to choose between a boy and a girl, what will be your choice?” Dolores Flores ruminated for a moment.

Matthew Nelson looked up and gazed at her, “If I had to choose, I’d prefer you give birth to another baby girl.”

Having Samuel Flores as the only son was enough.

Their daughter was closer to them, he adored how attached Simona Flores was to him.

Compared to the daughter, their relationship with their son became less intimate.

Dolores found a comfortable position and relaxed herself in his arms, “I like boys, and I hope it’s a boy this time.”

Girls were delicate, they got hurt easily be it in relationships or in life, whereas guys were different.

Matthew understood why she had this mindset, she was speaking from experience. He hugged Dolores and kissed her forehead, “No one is going to hurt our daughter.”

Dolores never second guessed his words.

This topic seemed a little distant, Dolores questioned, “Why did you tell Sean about what happened?”

“Hmm?” Matthew frowned slightly, what did she mean?

What exactly did he tell Sean?

“About what Jeffery Harris did,” Dolores explained.

“He knew about it?”

“You didn’t tell him…” Dolores felt something wasn’t right, Matthew would’ve admitted it if he was the one who told Sean.

Only a few people were aware about this, Boyce, Armand, even Charles, it could be anyone of them.

“Don’t think too much about it.” Matthew patted her back, “Go to sleep.”

There wasn’t a need to worry if Sean had heard about the inside story, he was unwilling to let Sean know about this matter either.

Even if he were able to keep it from him, there was no telling if it would stay a secret in the future. This wasn’t a small matter to begin with.

He did not want Dolores to lose sleep over such affairs.

“All you have to do is take care of yourself and safely bring our baby girl into this world, I will handle the rest.”

Dolores lowered her eyes and thought, ‘how is he so sure that it’s a girl?’

She joked, “What if it’s a boy?”

“It won’t be,” said Matthew confidently. “If our baby turns out to be a boy, you’ll have to get pregnant again,” he continued.

If Dolores gave birth to this child, there was no doubt she could give birth to another, he thought to himself.

Dolores was speechless.

“There, there, don’t think about it anymore. Get some rest.” Matthew placed her head into his embrace, holding her close.

Dolores lifted her head up, taking in the sight of his firm chin and fair complexion with visible stubble. He hadn’t gotten enough rest for the past two days, she figured.

There she silently laid in his embrace.

A few moments later, Matthew exhaled steady breaths. Dolores knew he was tired, she kissed his chin and slumped back into his arms.

It did not take long for Dolores to drift off to sleep, perhaps she was tired due to her pregnancy.

The night was unusually still and calm, as if the chaos in broad daylight never existed.

At 5 a.m., Matthew awoke to the sound of his phone ringing. He gently got off the bed, careful enough not to wake Dolores up, and went to the balcony to take the call.

“What’s the matter?”

Abbott Baron’s voice could be heard over the line, “Jessica Lennon’s results are out.”

How were the test results released so soon? It wasn’t even time yet.

He clenched his jaw tight as he recalled what Abbott had mentioned the last time, “Go ahead,” he prompted.

Over the phone, Abbott was hesitant to speak, he turned to face the doctor while he held the results in his hands, “Are you sure about this?” he asked once more.


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