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Snare of Love novel Chapter 427

Could she not tarnish him?

Chloe Chambers toyed with a button on his collar, “Don’t you want to have me if you like me that much?”

Sean was speechless.

Could, could he leave right now?

Chloe smiled as she lifted his chin up, “Don’t tell me that you can’t touch me before our marriage for my own good.”

“That, that’s actually true. If we really did it, your reputation will be ruined. Let’s just wait ‘til the future for your own good…”

Chloe violently pushed him away and coldly sneered, “Sean, do you think I’m stupid? Do you think I fall in love so easily?”

Her heart actually fluttered after Sean confessed. However, after she calmed down and thought about it, Sean confessed to her just when she was about to get married to Matthew Nelson. Was this a coincidence or was this his scheme to stop her from marrying Matthew?

If it wasn’t for this critical moment, she would definitely consider Sean. He did look handsome, and he was a famous celebrity as well.

Being his girlfriend would definitely make his fan-girls jealous of her, which would completely satisfy her sense of superiority from other people’s jealousy.

The reason why she deliberately made such a request a while ago was to test whether Sean was sincere or not. However, it was just as she expected.

Sean had a purpose coming here to confess to her at this time.

“Sean, you won’t wait until now to confess to me if you love me. You’re afraid? That’s not how you are. Anyway, you’re also done acting. Are you going to continue or…” She pointed at the door.

Sean’s face twitched. Chloe knew that he was acting all along?

She was just testing him a while ago?

He squinted his eyes, “Chloe, why did I just realize that you’ve become so annoying? Why do you have to like a married man?”

Chloe sat down at the end of the bed and glanced at him, “Are you not going to act anymore? Isn’t Matthew crazy? Isn’t he a psychopath that abuses women? Go on and say what other kinks he has.”

Sean rushed over to strangle her neck. Chloe tilted her neck back to meet his hands. Sean was really about to go mad because of this woman. However, he wasn’t able to strangle her as he was faced with a face that was too familiar to him.

He was still feeling angry inside. His hands that were held up in the air tightly clenched together.

Chloe calmly looked at him. She was a little afraid when Sean rushed over in that instant. However, that fear disappeared when she thought of the times Sean rushed over to protect her whenever she was bullied when she was younger.

That was why she wasn’t afraid to tilt her neck back and let him strangle her.

“Noah Harris, your skills as a celebrity didn’t really go in vain. You’re really good at acting. I actually took it seriously several times. However, don’t bother putting too much thought on the fact that I’m marrying Matthew because I will definitely marry him.”

Sean stared at her face, “What do you like about him?”

Chloe pondered for a few seconds. What did she like about him?

She also didn’t know. She just felt that she would be happy as his woman. He had the charm of a mature man that Sean didn’t have.

“I like his identity and status? I like that he looks handsome? I like that he is cold to everyone else, but he’s gentle with his wife? I also don’t know. I couldn’t describe that kind of attraction. I also know that it’s not right to break them apart like this. But Sean, your dad is the one who is in charge of all of this. If you want to accuse someone, you should accuse him and not put so much effort on me.”

Sean just stared at her in silence. He only spoke a sentence after a long while, “I still prefer you when you’re a little kid.”

After saying that, Sean turned around and left the room. Chloe sat still and murmured, “Everyone will change. Who grows up without changing?”

Wasn’t to fight for what you love the popular saying right now?

Was it wrong for her to fight for what she loved?

Sean didn’t go straight to home after he left the Chambers residence. Instead, he went straight to Matthew’s company. Tommy Huff was sitting on the stairs in front of the gate as he waited for Sean.

He couldn’t reach Sean, and he was also not at home. He already searched everywhere, but he still couldn’t find him. So he could only wait here and hoped that he gets lucky.

He knew Sean and Matthew’s relationship. That was why he chose to wait here and try his luck out.

However, he finally saw Sean when his butt had already gone flat from sitting too long. When he saw him, he felt happier than seeing his own parents, “Where did you two go? I couldn’t even reach you. I’ve almost gone mad.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I received a proposal yesterday from Perfect’ cosmetics and they wanted you to endorse them. The appearance fee…” Tommy raised his hand and shook his five fingers, “Guess how much it is.”

Sean coldly glanced at him, “I’m not taking anything. Don’t look for me these few days. I’m busy.”

After he finished talking, he walked past Tommy’s shoulders and walked inside the company. Tommy was dumbfounded. How could he not take it? That was money. He caught up with Sean’s footsteps, “They already offered fifteen million when I haven’t even stated a price. Maybe we can still add a little more…”

“I said I’m not taking it. Didn’t you hear me?!” Sean became impatient from being chased after.

Tommy stopped and just stood there. He looked at Sean’s back, “Do you think this kind of opportunity to make money comes by every day? An advertisement for fifteen million, that’s so expensive already. Why would they offer so much money? Isn’t it because they saw how famous you are and how many fans you have right now? The entertainment industry. You are in the entertainment industry. How many people could stay popular forever? If you don’t fill it up with money while you’re still popular, why are you still a celebrity? Why the hell do you want to become a celebrity?”


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