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Snare of Love novel Chapter 429

Dolores’s thought that was swallowed and restrained was inexplicably triggered by him. Her entire body felt uncomfortable and her face was slightly burning.

Matthew opened her collar and asked huskily, “Will it change?”

Dolores turned her head to look at him and reached out to caress his face. Her voice was soft, “It will become very ugly.”

When she was expecting Samuel and Simona, it changed especially fast in the latter months and turned dark grey.

“No matter what it becomes, I won’t mind.”

Matthew grabbed her hand that was stroking his face. He held her palm, pressed it against the pillow and kissed her lips.

The residual sanity told her that they could not…If they continued, she would only be more uncomfortable.

She mumbled, “The doctor said we can’t…”

His kiss became even wilder as he said in a mumbled voice, “You don’t know how much I want to make you comfortable.”

The body’s need did not diminish but grew stronger. She turned her head sideways, “You stay away from me.”

With the two of them hugging each other like this, the fire simply could not be distinguished. If this continued, they might not be able to resist doing…

Matthew was also trying very hard to control himself. He pulled her hemline down, turned over his body and lay flat on the edge of the bed. Both of them did not say anything and just lay quietly like that.

The clock on the wall kept ticking and time kept passing.

After about ten minutes, Dolores first broke the silence.

“Have you ever resented me in your mind? If I hadn’t gotten close to Victoria, there wouldn’t have been so much trouble.” When Dolores heard Victoria saying about the past, she knew that Jeffery had deep feelings for Jolene. However, she did not expect that Jeffery could be crazy to this extent.

“No. I didn’t understand at first but I know you have your own thoughts.” Matthew’s voice returned to normal without the previous hoarseness.

Dolores turned her body sideways and buried her head in his arms, “You know what? I’ve fallen in love with you and I wish to…” take care of someone whom you can’t take care of.

Matthew held back the joy in his mind, “Are you confessing to me?”

Dolores said, “Sort of.”

He turned sideways and took her head out of his arms, looking at her face.

Dolores caressed her eyelashes, “It isn’t settled yet, is it?”

Matthew kissed her forehead and embraced her in his arms, “It’ll be done soon. You just have to rest and recuperate at ease, don’t worry about what’s going on outside. Don’t take anything you hear to heart too as those may be expedient approaches, you just need to trust me.”

Since he said this, something would happen for sure later but she did not know what exactly it was.

“I trust you.”

Matthew felt it was funny again and pretended to be relaxing to ease the atmosphere as he did not want such a topic to make her worry, “You trust me so much, don’t you worry that I’ll run away with another woman?”

Dolores pinched his waist, “If you dare to run away, I’ll cripple your legs.”

Dolores’s force was a bit hard and Matthew frowned in pain, “If they were crippled, would you take care of me.”

“Yes, I would take care of you. I can’t let my children lose their father.”

If that really happened, perhaps she would really do that. Even if he could only lie in bed, he was still her children’s father.

She must give them a complete home.

Matthew hugged her even more tightly, “I won’t run. I only want you in this life. When we’re alive, we’ll lie on the same bed and after our deaths, we’ll stay in the same coffin. I’m so much elder than you so I surely will die first. When the time comes, don’t forget to tell the children to put me and you together.”

Dolores raised her head to glare at him, “Don’t say all these ominous words. If you die first, I’ll go find a handsome old man…”

Matthew disdained, “You can’t find an old man who is more handsome than me.”

“Then the slightly uglier one is fine also.” Dolores settled for second best.

“I’ll drag whoever that dares to want you to hell as well,” Matthew said fiercely.

Dolores was speechless.

It seemed that the topic of the conversation went too far and they got carried away. Both people did not bring up that matter again. In the evening, Coral knocked on the door with a food box. Matthew got up from the bed and opened the door. Coral walked in while smiling, “You guys should be hungry, right?”

Dolores indeed felt hungry. She leaned against the bedhead, “What are the dishes today.”

She seemed to eat different things every day so she was somewhat looking forward to the dishes every day. She stayed in the ward all day as if she was isolated from the world because other than sleeping, she could only eat.

Coral smilingly placed the food box on the table and confidently said, “They’re definitely to your liking.” Based on the doctor's advice and according to the ingredients stated in the recipe, Dolores really did not throw up anymore. Besides, she had more and more appetite.

The vegetarian dishes this time consisted of shredded cabbage, egg yolk with pumpkin, sauteed spinach, yellow croaker soup and steamed tofu. They were all served on very delicate small plates.

Coral turned her head to look at Matthew who was standing at the bedhead, “I heard someone say that if pregnant women look at beautiful things more, the babies they give birth to will also be good-looking so I specifically went to buy these small plates.” The chopsticks and spoons were matched and the patterns on them were all artificially depicted. The glaze was also welded on it with a special process.

Matthew put his hands in his pockets and his shirt was all wrinkled. He glanced at Dolores and said, “It’s true that we should pay more attention to this part. Otherwise, if the baby inherits her look, it may be very ugly.”

Coral knew that Matthew was joking so she laughed.


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