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Snare of Love novel Chapter 433

Even without turning around, Matthew knew who the person was, but he had no intention of dealing with him.

He calmly placed her in the back seat, then closed the car door, as if he didn’t want Charles White to see her.

He walked towards Charles, holding the armrests on both sides of the wheelchair and looking down at him. Charles didn’t move and he tilted his head to look at Matthew.

As they locked eyes, it seemed to have invisible sword.

Matthew bit his lips and his sharp eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the fresh, “Mr. White, save your breath, don’t always think about other people’s …”

When he spoke, his gaze caught a glimpse at Charles’s legs. The meaning was self-evident, “My wife dislikes you. Don’t bother anymore.”

What Matthew hated the most was Charles still thinking of Dolores even though he knew that she was married.

Love without regret?

Was he telling others how infatuated he was?

The more he thought about it, the more he became mean and he said mockingly, “Even if she finds another man, Mr. White wouldn’t be ranked.”

Charles clenched his teeth tightly to restrain the change in his facial expression.

His legs were the hardest fact for him to accept.

He lifted his lips, “Is Mr. Nelson afraid as you’re so mean now?”

Matthew showed a smile which was full of deep meaning and ambiguity, “Afraid? Yes, I’m afraid of running into a deadbeat.”

Charles struggled to maintain his poise, “I’m here today to find Mr. Nelson. I know a lot of things have happened recently, I think you’re not easy either. Why don’t we work together regardless of past grudges?”

Matthew lifted his lips and said with warning, “Whether it was easy or not, I don’t need your bother. Stay away from me also.”

After he finished speaking, he straightened his body and when his hands left the armrests, he seemed to apply some force and the wheelchair slid back a few centimetres.

Charles didn’t change his expression, he looked at Matthew who was walking towards the car, “I know that Mr. Nelson is a proud person, but this is not the time to concern about this. She is pregnant now and the situation outside isn’t good for her. Even for her sake, we should bury the hatchet and get through the current difficulties first.”

“Does Mr. White think that here is White City?” Armand interjected in a mocking way as he disliked his tone, saying that he was doing Dolores a favour. Who was he? What was his status?

How could he be so shameless?

“I don’t know what Mr. White can give for cooperation.”

Charles ignored Armand, but said in an assured tone, “Not long ago, I accidentally saw a gynaecologist and she told that Jayden Nelson had brought a woman there thirty years ago to give birth. Perhaps this isn’t weird, but the strange point is that she wasn’t a doctor from any big hospital, but just a doctor from a small hospital in the suburb. Moreover, that woman was taken away in a hurry after she gave birth. Don’t you feel curious about who that woman is? I’m sure your mother, Jolene Harris wouldn’t go to a small hospital like that to give birth, right?”


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