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Snare of Love novel Chapter 437

Dolores curled her lips. Her eyes were as clear as green waves and had a smile in them, "Since I've encountered such an incident, and they've been helping me, don't I have to toast them? But I'm not in a position to drink alcohol right now, so can you drink this glass of wine for me?"

As she spoke, she poured wine into the glass in front of Matthew.

Matthew glanced down at the full glass of white wine and curled his lip. It turned out that this dinner was a trap for him.

Then he smiled, still very dotingly, "I'll do as you say."

Armand blinked. It was as if he sensed an unusual atmosphere. And he couldn't help but wonder what the couple was doing. Were the two of them acting in front of them?

"Matthew, what are you..."

He couldn't help but wonder what they were planning to do.

"You must have worked very hard to deal with the social media news, so I want to thank you for that. If you don't want to accept my thanks, then you don't have to drink this glass of wine." After she got pregnant, she didn't look at her phone in the hospital except to answer calls. It was the day when one of the nurses viewed that news while the doctor was checking in. And she was watching that video and peeking at her at the same time. Then she found out the clues.

Then she made an excuse to let Coral go and watched the news on her phone.

Now that Dolores had said that, it was not appropriate for him to turn down her, so he had to lift the glass of wine. Then he still felt a little uneasy and stared at Matthew, wondering if he should drink the wine.

Dolores handed Matthew his glass. Then he looked down at her. Although he knew everything, he cooperated with her and took the glass from her hand.

The baijiu was not much milder than the red wine. After he finished the glass of wine, he felt very spicy. Because he hadn't eaten before, he was more easily drunk after drinking this degree of wine on an empty stomach.

Although Armand only drank a small glass of wine, when he finished it in one gulp, it was probably because he felt spicy, so his eyebrows were knitted together. He then used his chopsticks to pick up the food and stuffed it into his mouth to try to suppress the burning sensation.

Dolores looked at Matthew worriedly, who looked expressionless. He looked as if he had just been drinking water. Since she knew what he liked to eat, she picked up his favorite food with chopsticks and put it on his plate, "You'll have to eat something to remove the spiciness."

Matthew leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Are you worried about me?"

Dolores acted tough and whispered, "I'm not." As if to prove she was telling the truth, she filled the glass of wine in front of Matthew again.

She put the bottle down, "You should have had this one glass of wine with Abbott. He's helped you out a lot while you've been away from the office."

"That's all my part to do. Those are the things I'm supposed to do. It's what I'm supposed to do." Abbott felt flattered.

It was easy for a man to get drunk when he ate nothing. After he drank two full glasses of baijiu, Matthew's eyes turned red. Although he looked fine, Dolores knew he must not feel well. And it would do harm to his health after he drank that degree of alcohol on an empty stomach.

However, if she didn't get him drunk, then she couldn't go out.

Even though she was worried about him, she refilled his glass again, "You need to make a toast to me. I married you at eighteen, but you gave me nothing. You didn't give me a wedding or a ceremony. Even when I received that marriage certificate, that was still someone else who took me to get that certificate. I'm kinda aggravated after I thought about it. Don't you think you should..."

Before she finished those words, Matthew drank that glass of wine.

The veins at the corners of his forehead and the contours of his face stretched out in a taut line. Then his Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he said in a particularly raspy voice, "I used to be an asshole. And I did a ton of stupid things."

As he spoke, he refilled his glass, "Today I want to say something in front of my friends."

"This woman." He held Dolores in his arms, "I'm grateful to her."

The three men across the table sat quietly and agreed, "We all know that."

"And I have to make a toast to you for giving birth to Samuel and Simona for me," he said as he drained another glass of wine. Then he continued to fill his glass, "One drink from me does not express how sorry I am to you. I feel sorry for my mistakes and ignorance in those years. I thank you for raising them well."

He spoke from the bottom of his heart. Although he had never said those words to her, he had never forgotten about the things that she had done for him.

Six years was a long time, which was more than three thousand days and nights. It was not only time that had passed away, but also many beautiful and joyful times that he did not participate in.

He had not experienced the nervousness and anticipation of waiting anxiously at the door of the delivery room to become a father.

He didn't know what his children looked like when they were born.

He didn't know when his children had their first tooth.


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