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Snare of Love novel Chapter 448

Samuel frowned, and he took back his gaze from the piano notation to look at his sister, Simona.

He couldn’t help but shook his head.

As if he couldn’t do anything with Simona.

“I’m really worried about your future.” She thought she was doing well by only learning one poem, “Goose”. What a worry her IQ was.

“Daddy. Look. Take a look at him.” Simona pouted her little mouth and shook Matthew’s neck, “Brother looks down on me again.”

Simona was dressed in a pale pinkish grey dress and a pair of white socks. Because the weather was getting hot, the dress was made of thin material used in summer clothes. It was smooth and soft. She tied her hair in a ponytail and showed her beautiful facial features. She knelt on Matthew’s legs, with her hands around his neck, and she looked as if she wanted Matthew to give her an answer.”

Matthew gave a light smile. He simply couldn’t do anything with her. He held her buttocks and patted, “You say, what do you want to do? I’ll listen to you.”

“How does your brother look down on you again?” Dolores stood at the stair head and looked at Simona.

Simona became increasingly petulant. Dolores made her way down the staircase. Matthew put Simona on the sofa and went upstairs to hold her. However, Dolores refused, “You don’t have to. I feel much better.”

She held Matthew’s arm, “You can’t keep spoiling her. Otherwise, she will develop an arrogant personality.”

“She’s still small.” Matthew thought that daughter was different from the son. It was all right to be a little arrogant.

He could take care of her forever anyway. He loved spoiling his daughter, Simona.

Dolores looked at him and didn’t share the same opinion as him, “The character is developed since childhood. She will be going to primary school soon. There will be many schoolmates in the school, and it is inevitable to have some bumps. Then does she want to go to the teacher every day and complain? Does she want to complain to the adults at home? Is this a good type of character?”

Dolores hoped that Simona could grow up and not behaved like a baby all the time.

“So, can’t she say anything even when she has been wronged?” Matthew felt that Dolores had overthought, “So what if she doesn’t even go to school? I can take care of her for the rest of my life.”

Dolores was speechless.

She looked at Matthew speechlessly and frowned, “How about when you’re old? Who’s going to spoil her?”

It was Matthew’s turn to be speechless this time.

“It’s still mummy who is sensible,” Samuel interrupted them. Simona used to act like a baby before, but as she grew older, she liked complaining, especially in front of Victoria and Matthew.

She loved to act like a spoiled child and complaining.

Simona sat on the sofa, clearly aware that what they were saying about her was not good. She blinked her eyes and felt aggrieved in her heart, “I hate mummy. Mummy doesn’t want me after she has the baby.”

After she finished speaking, she slid down the sofa and ran towards the kitchen, “Grandma, grandma. I want to go home. I don’t want to be here.”

Victoria and Coral were preparing dinner in the kitchen and were still wearing their aprons. Victoria turned around when she heard Simona’s voice. Simona hugged her legs, “Grandma, let’s go home. Mummy only cares about the baby in her stomach and brother. She doesn’t want me anymore. I don’t want to be here.”

Since she knew that Dolores had a baby, she was scared. She was afraid that her father and mother no longer wanted her and liked the younger baby more.

She felt abandoned when Matthew put her down and went to hold Dolores. Her father, Matthew, seemed to be more concerned with the baby in mummy’s stomach.

Simona felt extremely aggrieved. Her eyes turned red, and a thin layer of mist grew thicker and thicker in her eyes. It eventually turned into tears, which streamed down her cheek.

Matthew walked in just as Victoria was about to bend down and pick her up after washing her hands. His gaze didn’t fall on Victoria, but he said, “I’ll hold her.”

Simona held Victoria’s legs and refused to let go, “I don’t want. I want grandma.”

“How about I hold her?” Victoria couldn’t bear to see her crying. Simona’s face, which was initially pink, soft, and delicate, was filled with grievances at the moment.

Matthew remained silent and broke off her hands, which were holding Victoria’s legs. He held her and went out of the kitchen. Simona writhed in his arms and cried loudly, “I want grandma. I want grandma.”

Victoria walked out from the kitchen worriedly and looked at Matthew, who was holding Simona to the study room. However, she didn’t dare to ask him to put her down. She couldn’t help but looked at Dolores, “She is still small. Perhaps she knows that you’re pregnant and is afraid that she will be neglected, which is why she behaves like this…”


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