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Snare of Love novel Chapter 459

Kevin was standing next to him, also weeping.

“She suffered from a hard lot.”

Matthew was standing at the door. Without entering the ward, he lowered his head. His emotion was hidden behind the hair on his forehead.

“I remember when she was twenty, something happened to our family. Our parents passed away and I was put in jail. She was alone, searching for help, aiming to rescue me...” Kevin sobbed.

“I didn’t know at that time until months later. To rescue me from the jail, she had a deal with a woman named Jolene Harris. She gave Victoria a huge amount of money to pay the debt we owned so that I didn’t need to go into jail. Then, my sister left White City with Jolene Harris.

“The woman named Jolene Harris didn’t love her husband and had a secret lover. However, she felt sorry for her husband, so she sent Victoria to her husband, hoping that they could fall in love with each other... Later, Victoria was pregnant. Jolene Harris said she would give the child a decent identity, so she announced that she was pregnant to the public.

“As soon as the baby was born, Jolene Harris started to raise him in the name of her own son. Unfortunately, Jeffery Harris found the relationship between Jayden and Victoria. He thought it was Victoria who had seduced Jayden during Jolene Harris’s pregnancy... At that time, Terrell Harris was still in his position, quite powerful. Jeffery Harris had nothing to fear, so he kidnapped Victoria and forced her to call Jayden, telling him that she wanted to break up with him. Victoria wasn’t willing to do that. Jeffrey Harris heard that she used to have a beloved man before, so he also kidnapped Nathan White, threatening Victoria with him...

“She couldn’t do anything but call Jayden, telling him that she was still in love with Nathan and she wanted to leave. In fact, she didn’t leave town. She was locked up by Jeffery Harris. He locked her up for six years...

“It was Jolene Harris who found that she hadn’t left with Nathan White, but was locked up by Jeffery Harris. Hence, Jolene Harris forced her brother to release Victoria. At that time, it was already six years later. Jeffery Harris believed that since Victoria and Jayden had been separated for so many years, so they shouldn’t love each other. Besides, the son of Jolene Harris and Jayden had grown up, so he agreed to let go of her...

“It was six years, over two thousand days and nights. When she was locked up, she had just given birth to the baby. At that time, she was also injured so she couldn’t give birth again. Moreover, she suffered from a mental disorder. She didn’t get better until one year later.

“Later, to stay by her son’s side, she married Jayden. However, Jeffery Harris didn’t agree. He threatened her to exchange her marriage with her family’s ancestral craft. I don’t know how that Jolene Harris died.”

With reddish eyes, he looked up at Matthew, who was at the door. He continued while weeping, “The woman lying here under the white cloth is your birth mother.”

Then, he emphasized, “Your birth mother who carried you for nine months and endured the severe labor pains during production.”

Matthew still didn’t look up, his body faintly trembling.

Jayden stood up. His turbid eyes had lost their colors. He carefully put down Victoria’s hand with reluctance and concern. Finally, he released it. Looking over at Kevin, he said, “Let’s go out and let him see her for the last time. He should call her... she has been expecting it for all the lifetime...”

Kevin wiped his eyes, walked out of the ward first. Outside the door, Boyce was frozen in the corridor. He had heard what Kevin said just now, feeling quite shocked. He didn’t expect that Victoria turned out to be Matthew’s birth mother.

Right then, he was worried, wondering what Matthew should do.

How would he face the situation?

Jayden passed by Matthew and paused. Raising his hand, he put it heavily on Matthew’s shoulder. “Don’t let her go with the regret.”

After that, he walked out of the ward, closing the door. As soon as the door was closed, the outside was isolated as well as the air.

The whole ward was quiet without any single sound.

Faintly, Matthew trembled more than earlier. Gradually, he bent over against the wall, sliding onto the ground.

His arms were on his knees. With his head between his arms, his expression wasn’t shown. No one could see that he was crying.

Tears streamed along his cheeks, dripping on the ground.

Right then, he even had no guts to have a look at her.

When Dolores woke up, her nose was fulfilled with the smell of disinfectant. She found that she was in a patient’s gown. She recalled that Victoria had sheltered her from the danger so that she could be safe and sound. Victoria was injured seriously at that time. Dolores wondered if she was fine now.


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