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Snare of Love novel Chapter 464

She desperately wanted to calm herself down, but weeds seemed to grow crazily in her heart. She could not calm down at all, or even think normally.

Having thought of what Jessica said earlier, she extended her hand and touched the necklace she had been wearing. She caressed it with her fingers.

After a long time, she was finally defeated by her curiosity. She sat up, took the wet face cloth off her forehead, put it on the table and took off the necklace.

The necklace had a very simple style and there was not even a pendant. She held it against the light and did not see anything special from it.

The only thing she was certain of was the necklace contained high purity of platinum. It flashed when facing the light and did not look like something made a long time ago.

When she wanted to wear it again, she found that there were small letters at the bayonet. Since the letters were too small to be seen clearly, she stood up and walked to the window for the light. Only then did she see what the letters on top were. hx.08.za0102.

She frowned. What's this? She had not seen this brand of jewelry.

What does that mean?

She looked carefully over and over again. There was nothing else except those letters. She leaned against the couch. If it was really what Jessica had said, that that necklace was left to her by her mother, it would certainly have some special meaning.

After all, she would still more or less think of her daughter, right?

She did not feel melancholic. She had no feelings or regrets towards such a person she had not met. She just felt so - absurd.

She did not want to bother it anymore when she could not figure it out. She wanted to keep it properly. She stood up and went to the bedside, opened the bedside cabinet and prepared to find a box to keep it. However, she saw the contract document of the HX bank safe in the drawer. Jayden Nelson had given the shares of WY Group to her two children and a pink diamond loved by her daughter. Since she had no place to put them, she had registered for a safe in HX bank to put all those valuable things in it. She was ready to take them out and give them to her children when they grew up.

The initials of HX bank were HX. Could it be a coincidence?

She took her phone and dialed the service number of HX bank.

The phone was soon connected, and there came a gentle female voice. "This is the service number of HX bank. Hello, what can I do for you?"

Dolores looked at the letters on the necklace and asked, "Do you have a safe named za0102?"

"Sorry, we don’t."

Dolores frowned. Had she guessed it wrong?

"The safe number here is all double digits. There is no such safe number."

Double digits.

Dolores looked down at the letters hx.08.za0102, and finally fixed her eyes on the two numbers in the middle, "What about 08?"

"Let me check for you." The personnel's voice came again, "Yes, we do have a safe numbered 08."

Dolores basically understood what the alphabets and numbers meant. The number 08 meant HX bank’s safe no. 08. The last combination of alphabets and numbers should be the password.

"What else can I do for you, miss?"

Dolores's mind was pulled back to reality. She pondered and asked, "Could you help me find out who’s the one keeping this safe?"

"Sorry, I can't. This is our client's privacy. Our bank strictly stipulates that we can't disclose our client's personal information. If you need it, I suggest you handle it yourself."

"I see. Thank you." Dolores hung up, sat by the bed and looked at the thing in her hand.

She did not know how long she had sat there, until Coral came up and called her for lunch.

She held back her emotions and went downstairs. The huge villa was quiet and seemed empty. Samuel and Simona were sitting cross legged on the carpet and they were piling blocks. Samuel's expression was a little impatient. It looked like he was forced to play with his sister.

That was because only Simona had a smile on her face.

Dolores came down and looked at the two children. "Wash your hands and come have your meal."

Samuel, as if being given an amnesty, quickly got up and ran over. "Finally it's time to eat."

Dolores pinched his face. "Are you that reluctant to play with your sister?"

Samuel shook his head. "If she plays something interesting, of course I'd like to play with her, but block building is such a childish game, and I can't really feel interested of it."


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