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Snare of Love novel Chapter 471

“I don’t have time.” Dolores rejected him abruptly, and held Matthew’s hand to get on the car. Sean chased up to them a few steps, his eyes were a little red, “Dolores… Perhaps I shouldn’t call you this…”

“What do you want?!” Dolores suddenly cut him off fiercely.

Sean didn’t expect that Dolores would have such a huge response, but he later understood why she had reacted this way.

He was clear on why she had almost fainted outside the Harris family’s doorstep that day.

That day, after watching Dolores’ car leave the Harris family’s house, he hadn’t turned around to look for Tommy. He had instead gone back to the Harris’ house, intending to ask Jeffery whether he had done anything to Dolores again. This is because Dolores’ situation didn’t look good then, so he had wanted to clarify things. When he pushed open the house door, he saw Marina standing in shock at the living room with a strange expression. It was only when she saw her son come back that she regained her senses.

Marina had requested for Dolores to stay back for dinner, but Dolores had ignored her. Marina had thought that she had done something wrong to make Dolores angry, that was why she was stunned in the living room.

But once she saw her son, she didn’t care about anything else anymore. She quickly walked over, “You’re back? Just in time, I’ve made many dishes, keep me company for dinner tonight.”

Sean had no mood to have dinner, so he had asked, “Where’s dad?”

Marina frowned, “Why are you looking for dad once you got back?”

She knew that her son and her husband didn’t get along, so she was very worried. Especially when Sean was asking for his father in such an accusatory tone. Even more so she didn’t dare to let him and Jeffery meet.

Marina pulled her son over, worried that he would go look for Jeffery, “Why are you looking for your dad?”

“Did Dolores come over just now? Did she meet with dad?” Sean looked at his own mother, and his tone was considered gentle. Although he was prejudiced against Jeffery, but he respected his mother.

Marina nodded her head.

Sean laughed coldly, “No wonder she almost passed out at the doorstep, what has dad done again?!”

Speaking of Jeffery, Sean was so angry that he was gritting his teeth.

Marina was stunned for a moment, thinking in her heart whether Dolores and Jeffery had had an argument in the study room. Was that why Dolores didn’t even reply when she had asked her to stay for dinner?

“Where is he?” Sean asked.

Marina didn’t dare to answer him. If Sean went to see Jeffery like this, it would definitely erupt in an argument.

“Apart from coming up with dirty tactics with Eddie at home, I think he would usually like to stay in his study room.” Sean had a bit of understanding towards Jeffery. He waved away Marina’s hand, and walked towards the study room. Without knocking on the door, he kicked open the door roughly. With a bang, the door slammed on the wall.

“Jeffery, what do you want…”

He yelled Jeffery’s name, but before he could finish his questioning, he saw Jeffery laying on the floor. Sean was taken aback for a second. He hadn’t even finished his question, why, why was he laying on the floor?

Afraid that her son and her husband would get into an argument, Marina had run over too. Seeing her husband laying on the floor, she shrieked in shock. Quickly, she ran over, “Old man, what’s wrong? Stop scaring me.”

Jeffery hadn’t passed out. Because he was too emotional, thrombosis had occurred. Added with a strong emotional impact, this had increased the burden on his heart. These extreme emotions had caused a stroke.

His health was usually good, but he had previously passed out once before. He was almost sixty, regardless of how healthy he was, he couldn’t be as fit as when he was young. Not to mention the impact on his emotions, hence he wasn’t able to handle it at once.

His eyes were wide open, his mouth was slanted to a side and unable to speak, his hands and legs were fidgeting.

Marina was so shocked that her tears were flowing. She yelled at Sean who was stunned by the doorstep, “Stop standing there, quick send your father to the hospital, do you want to see him die?”


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