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Snare of Love novel Chapter 486

"Jeffery and your stepmother are incompatible, and you know that better than I do. He hates that woman so much that he comes to me because he is aware that I know many people. He wanted me to do him a favor and put that woman away. However, the person who did this was not effective and something went wrong. But it wasn't a big deal. You and Jeffery don't like that woman anyway. It's better now that she's gone, so she won't bother you."

Declan didn't notice Matthew's face. He just felt that the atmosphere in the box was inexplicably cold. He was a little annoyed.

The three women standing by the door looked unneeded. So, he shouted in a deep voice at the door to the manager, "Get them out of my face."

The manager dragged these women out with a few of his men.

Matthew slightly raised his eyelids with a look that was hard to tell his emotions, "Mr. Bailey is really unusual. Now the banners of the fight against pornography and crime are everywhere. Your club is still open as usual. And you even dare to kidnap people."

"I did it as a favor to Jeffery! He was unable to do this kind of thing personally due to his status, so he asked me to do it."

Declan leaned against the couch and turned his head, "Mr. Nelson, are you really here today to have fun, or ..."

He knew Jeffery's relationship with Matthew. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so honest. This was no small matter. He put a lot of thought into it before he spoke.

If he hid something and Matthew heard it from Jeffery, then he would be in a difficult position.

"What does Mr. Bailey think I'm here for?"

Declan looked into Matthew's eyes, froze for a moment, and said with a smile, "People who come to my place are of course here for pleasure."

"Mr. Bailey, you've let me down today." Matthew's tongue licked across his incisors, which made him look even more arrogant than Declan. He sounded fierce but had a calm look, "It's not what it used to be. Mr. Bailey, you have to be more cautious. Don't be played for a fool by someone and not even know it."

Declan's face changed, "What do you mean?"

He meant something other than what he said?

Matthew got up. Armand and Boyce also stood up.

His gaze was cold, "Mr. Bailey, he asked you to do such a simple small thing as catching a woman because it was inconvenient for him, or because he didn't dare to do it himself?"

Declan's eyes narrowed. What did he mean?

Jeffery was using him?

"Mr. Nelson, are you kidding me? He is your uncle. Instead of taking his side, you take mine. Do you think I will believe that?"

Jeffery was his uncle. Did he come to test him by uncovering Jeffery?

At this time, Declan didn't dare to believe Matthew's words. After all, he and Jeffery were on the same side.

"It's up to Mr. Bailey to believe it or not. I just can't bear to see anyone being used without knowing it again," he didn't say more, "Mr. Bailey, I'd like to thank you for your hospitality today."

"Please don't say that. Mr. Nelson, I didn't let you enjoy yourself today. Be sure to let me know in advance next time you come. I will definitely let Mr. Nelson have a good time."

Declan was a little distracted. If Matthew meant something in his words, then this was an obvious reminder.

And, he used the word again. What did he mean? Did someone else get used by Jeffery and didn't know it before him?

"Mr. Nelson, can you explain it to me?" he stood up and walked over, "Mr. Nelson, do you know something?"

Matthew said meaningfully, "Has Mr. Bailey heard about Eddie?"


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