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Snare of Love novel Chapter 517

The thing that kept everyone joyful and talking now was nothing else but the story of Jasmine and Boyce that was going viral now.

Armand put one hand in his pocket and greeted some students that were coming his way, "Excuse me, can you tell me where the office of the first year class one mentor is?"

One of the nice students pointed to a office building that was not far away, "There, third floor, you can go there and check, the offices have name tags."

"Okay, thank you." He smiled and tried to be nice to them, "I was just hearing what you were talking about, was it about the student and the police officer?"

"Yes, yes, have you also heard about it?" One of the students was a short haired girl, she replied immediately, as soon as it was about gossip, she was all active, "Everyone in the school knows about it, it's been having a big effect, maybe the student will even be expelled."

"The whole university knows?" Armand laughed, "Has this been becoming your amusement now?"

Even though Armand said it implict, but the students still could read between the lines, and their smile faded away.

Armand looked up at the majestic teaching building, it had an elegant environment, it had quite the reputation, then he laughed sarcastic, "This school isn't that good, they don't seem to be teaching their students well, they don't even know to protect their own students, why would anyone else try to protect them? What a joke."

After Armand said that, he went towards the building.

The students were blushing of embarrassment, from some point of view, they were studying at this university, but they were laughing at the things happening as if they were not part of the school.

The way of them watching the fun had no responsibility at all.

That short haired girl said scornfully, "Even if we want to protect the school that has taught us, there are still some shitty people here who destroy the whole pot. If you asked me, I would expel her to keep the whole place clean, nobody will dare to talk bad about our school again."

Some thought that she was right, but some also thought that they were too one sided, it has only been a picture, maybe there was something else going on?

"Let's go." Some of the students were afraid it might explode, so rushed her, they went quiet and left the campus together.

In that time, Armand found class one of first year students, he went to the office of the mentor and knocked on the door when he heard someone from inside saying, "Come in."

Armand opened the door and went inside, there were a few desks around, but only one of them was occupied, a middle aged man was sitting on the chair, he was wearing glasses, and even though he was sitting, he could see that he wasn't tall, his face was extremely serious, Jasmine was standing next to the desk, her head lowered.

Armand came inside and the mentor looked at him, "Who are you?"

He pointed to Jasmine, "I am looking for her."

Jasmine looked up when she heard his voice, she saw Armand and her eyes lit up. She had been scolded by the mentor for the whole morning, she wanted to contact Boyce to know how he was doing.

Armand was his friend, he must know about his situation, that was why he seemed so anxious.

The mentor frowned, he looked at Jasmine with a serious face, "I thought you don't have family here, who is he?"

"I am a distanced relative." Armand came to Jasmine, he looked at the mentor and asked, "What is the school going to do about this?"

The mentor moved his glasses a little, "We talked about it over a meeting, I have big hopes for Jasmine, she is excellent in her grades, she also behaves well in all aspects, this story really made me very surprised and disappointed."


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