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Snare of Love novel Chapter 527

Soon the door of the room opened from the inside, it was Matthew Nelson who opened the door. When Amanda Nelson saw him, she immediately hugged his legs and tilted her head and called him sweetly, “Daddy.”

Matthew was at his wit’s end when it came to his daughter, especially when she called him “daddy”, he would feel delighted.

He bent down to pick his daughter up and said to Theresa Gordon "Come in, it's my treat today, feel free to order whatever you want to eat."

"Then I will feel free to ...”, before she could finish her sentence, she noticed that there was another person in the private dining room, and her last word couldn’t come out.

Her eyes turned instantly to Matthew as if to ask, ‘What is going on?’

How come Armand Bernie was also here?

“He comes on his own.” Matthew sort of explained, originally he hadn’t said anything.

Theresa remained dubious about the explanation.

Armand Bernie, who was always listless, finally saw them coming in after a long time. He raised his head to look at them, but he froze when he saw Theresa, “Huh, aren’t you the woman from the exhibition that day?”

Theresa eased her emotions and walked in calmly, as if she hadn’t heard his words, pulling back a chair at the table and sitting down.

She picked up a menu and asked, “Can I order now?”

Before anyone could say anything, Amanda said, “Renee, go ahead and order, it’s my dad’s treat.”

Matthew hugged his daughter and sat down, pinching her cheeks. Amanda grinned and revealed a row of her white teeth, “Is it okay, daddy?”

“It’s your call,” Matthew said with a smile.

His daughter’s word was like holy writ to him, and it worked like a charm.

Theresa flipped through the menu casually, “Well, I will order whatever I want.”

“You’re welcome, you’re welcome, feel free to order your favourite dishes, Renee has been taking care of us very hard, you should eat more.“ Amanda was a honey-mouthed girl as her words were as sweet as honey.

The atmosphere in the private dining room was a little strange, Armand leaned back in his chair with his eyes roaming back and forth between Theresa and Matthew.

He hadn’t seen a woman called Renee Gordon around Dolores Flores.

Apart from Theresa, it was Allison, but now because the clothing shop had closed, Allison had gone back to Country A.

When the Gambiered Canton Gauze was mentioned at the exhibition that day, he could only associate it with Dolores, but there was no proof.

Now it seemed that Gambiered Canton Gauze was directly related to Dolores and that she probably had led the exhibition, but just did not show up.

Then the question arose.

Who was she?

Both Renee Gordon and Theresa Gordon had the same surname as Gordon?

Was it a coincidence, or...but it did not seem like a high chance of it, more like Theresa had a different name?

Renee and Dolores knew each other, and she was also familiar with the two children, so she was clearly Theresa.

Andrew Nelson was a clever boy, he could understand the current situation that everyone here knew that Renee was Theresa, but only Armand didn’t understand it.

Once recalling that he had hurt Theresa and even caused her to change her appearance and her voice, he wouldn’t want to tell him the truth.

If he wanted to court Renee back, he must show his utmost sincerity.

Armand frowned and he only noticed that this meal arranged by Matthew was unusual until this moment.

Even if he was stupid, this kind of relationship had made him think more.

He calmed himself down and pretended as nothing happened. He tried to look calm while getting close to Amanda to get more information from her as she was the most naive and manageable in the room.

"Amy, do you still recognize me? We haven't seen each other for a long time, do you miss me?"

Armand had no idea that both children’s names had been changed since Matthew hadn’t specifically said anything about it yet.

It seemed that she didn’t reject it because Matthew also called her Amy and she had been called that for so long before so she was used to the name.

Amanda wrapped her arms around Matthew’s neck and said with a smile towards Armand, “Of course, I remember.”

"Do you miss me then?" Armand stretched his head over, trying to get close to her.

Amanda shook her head, "I miss daddy."

As she spoke, she kissed Matthew on his cheek, now that she had grown up and knew how to pout but not leaving lots of drools on the face.

Matthew wiped the corners of her mouth as it had become a subconscious action since she used to drool when kissing someone.

Armand was speechless.


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