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Snare of Love novel Chapter 529

Armand didn't finish the song. He sang off key.

Theresa also tried her best to bear it. If Armand did finish the song, she would probably walk away halfway through.

She put some food on Amanda's plate and glanced up at Armand, "This gentleman's singing is really not good. Moreover, such an old-fashioned love song is really disgusting. I think people like you can only cheat those young girls. By the way, you said you are in love with someone. Can I ask you how you got her?"

Armand's eyes were red, but he still smiled and said, "Do I look like a liar to you?"

Theresa cut a medium-rare steak and put it in her mouth and chewed it. Soon she spat the steak out and said with a smile, "Sorry."

She poked the steak on her plate with her fork, "Look, this steak looks delicious from the surface and its color is also nice. I ate a piece on impulse. After chewing it, I realized that it was raw inside and had a fishy taste with blood, which was really disgusting. I was fooled by its surface."

She cut a steak and handed it to Armand, smiled, and asked, "What kind of woman would you say would like a steak like that?"

Armand stared at the steak without saying anything.

"Flies, maybe? After all, flies are omnivorous that can eat anything. After I accidentally took a bite of such a steak, I would never try another. I'm afraid I'll be disgusted." She put the steak on her plate, still smiling, "I still want to live to see more of the beauty of this world."

"Is that what I am in your eyes?" Armand clenched his hands into fists.

He was really hurt as if numerous sharp objects poked him straight in the heart.

She described him as disgusting?

Was she already sick of him to this point?

He had been an asshole, but he had never wanted to cheat her. He had also been sincere when he married her.

"I'm talking about the steak. How could I be talking about you?" Theresa put more food on Amanda's plate, "Come on, eat faster. We have to go to the supermarket to buy radishes for your mommy. The supermarket will be closed later."

Andrew kept his head down and ate. This was the war of adults. He couldn't intervene. His ability was limited, and he had done what he could. Now, he had to feed himself first.

Matthew remained as an outsider, watching them quietly. Obviously, although Theresa's identity was not revealed, they were all clear.

Theresa's words aroused his interest, "Are you guys going to cook something?"

Could it be that Dolores wanted to eat something made by radishes?

"No, it's your wife who wants to eat green radishes, the crispy kind." Theresa also wondered why Dolores suddenly liked to eat this.

Matthew was speechless.

"After dinner, I'll go with you." Although Dolores' taste was a little strange, it was what his wife wanted to eat, and he had to satisfy her.

Theresa agreed. Dolores was his wife, and he certainly cared about her!

He definitely wouldn't allow other men to take care of his wife.

Suddenly, she thought of Dolores' bed. So she looked up, "Can you not leave any traces when you go to our house next time?"

What traces did he leave there? Even if he entered Dolores' bedroom and touched her things, he put them all back ... Wait, he originally wanted to sit on the edge of her bed to rest, but after he touched that bed, he especially wanted to sleep. He hadn't had much rest for a while. So, he lay down. The bed seemed to still have her scent. He soon fell asleep as he rested on her pillow.

He didn't sleep for long, but it was very relaxing. Although he only slept for an hour or two, he slept much more soundly than he did when he tossed and turned.

"Did she find out?" Matthew wiped the cheese off his daughter's face and looked up at Theresa.

"Well, I got past it. She didn't suspect anything," Theresa said.

"I'll be careful next time." He decided that from now on, whenever Dolores was not home during the day, he would go to her house to sleep. He could only fall asleep in her bed.

Theresa took a sip of water, "How much longer are you going to be like this?"

"Just give me some time. It should be over soon." Matthew looked indifferent and his tone was flat. He didn't want to talk about it.

The fact that Abbott didn't call him meant that Jeffery's trial was still pending.

After all, with Jeffery's status, even if he got into a big mess, it would take some time for the heat to die down before he was given a trial.

Theresa didn't continue. Maybe now really wasn't the right time.

After dinner, Armand, who hadn't eaten anything, stood up first. He didn't look at anyone, didn't say anything, and just walked away.

Theresa's eyes flickered slightly. But she quickly regained her composure, as if she hadn't seen Armand leave, and smiled as she took Andrew's hand, "Let's go."

Andrew looked at Armand's lonely back. Suddenly, he had a feeling that Armand was quite pitiful.

Alas, the feelings of adults were really complicated. After growing up, he would not fall in love.

He looked up at Theresa and finally said nothing, just held her hand tightly, "Renee is not alone. You have me."


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