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Snare of Love novel Chapter 532

He saw the faint light through the white curtain, but he did not notice her eyes looking at him. He pursed his lips tightly and wondered if it was just a momentary illusion.

At this moment, he supposed Dolores should be in shock at Armand's presence.

Dolores leaned back against the wall by the window and shivered. She had her hands over her chest. She felt like a boulder had fallen on her chest, making it impossible for her to breathe.

She had to breathe hard to keep from suffocating. And she couldn't stop the complicated emotions from overwhelming her.

The moment she saw him, she felt happy and worried.

She closed her eyes. It took her a long time to steady her trembling body.

He was not in front of her eyes, so she thought he was still dealing with Jeffery's matter.

She opened her eyes and reached up to lift the curtain to see him again, but she stopped her movement for some reason.

Her hand stopped in mid-air, and she couldn't put it down.

She didn't know what she was struggling with or what she was afraid of. She was afraid she wouldn't be able to keep her mind clear.

Then she slowly put her hand down.

She took a deep breath, pulled herself together, and walked to the closet to pack clothes for her two children.

Summer clothes didn't take up much space in the closet. She hadn't brought her kids on a trip since she came to City C, so she didn't have a suitcase at home. Therefore, she stuffed the clothes in a duffel bag.

After she finished packing and came out, Armand was talking to her two children.

When Armand saw her come out, he stood up.

Dolores handed him the bag.

"I'll bring them back in a few days." Armand said. Because Matthew was going to White City to see Jayden, he had to take the two children right away.

Matthew asked Armand to tell her that the kids would only be with him for a few days.

Because Matthew knew that Dolores needed those two children around her more than he did. Before she knew who the father of the children was, she preferred to be a single mother and insisted on giving birth to the kids, which was enough to show how much she loved them. Moreover, after she gave birth to their children, she never separated from them.

Therefore, she was more attached to her children than he was.

"I'm okay with them staying with him for more days. And they must miss him too." Dolores smiled, "Are you in a hurry to leave today?"

Armand nodded, "Yeah."

She looked at the two children, "Come here."

"Mommy." The two children threw themselves into her arms and clung to her legs left and right respectively.

Dolores stroked their heads, "Didn't you say you missed Daddy? Now you can go see him. Are you happy?"

"Yes." Amanda nodded her head repeatedly.

"But I don't want to leave Mommy either." Andrew rubbed his face against her.

When Armand saw that the children didn't want to leave Dolores, he reassured them, "I'll drive you back in a few days. We'll go first today, for your daddy would like to see you two very much."

"Mommy..." Andrew was reluctant to leave his mother. If he wasn't going to see Grandpa, he wouldn't leave Mommy and let her stay at home alone.

"All right, you guys should go now. And it's not like you're not coming back, right?" Dolores handed the children over to Armand, "Please take care of them."

"I will." Armand took Amanda's hand and looked at Dolores, "Dolores, we should go now."

" Mmm, " said Dolores. As they walked to the door, Dolores thought of Theresa, who had gone to her room, and called out to him, "Armand."

"Hmm?" Armand turned around.

Dolores quickly shook her head again, "Nothing. Please drive carefully on the road."

She wanted to talk to Armand about Theresa, but she felt it was inappropriate to do so.

Armand said, "Okay." He hesitated for a few seconds and thought he should tell her, "Jeffery turned himself in..."

"I don't want to know anything about him." Before Armand could finish those words, Dolores interrupted him.

She just wanted to live quietly and did what she wanted to do here.


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