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Snare of Love novel Chapter 544

Dolores was baffled as she didn’t understand why he had suddenly become so serious.

“What’s wrong with you? Do you forget that they’ve changed their names?” she asked.

Matthew didn’t forget it, “I’m used to call that and I don’t want to change.” As he spoke, his gaze rested on her stomach, “When this child is born, let him follow your surname whether it’s a boy or a girl.”

He looked up at her and said gently, “Your father only has one daughter, leave an heir for him.”

He was being serious as he should think more of her since she was thinking of him.

It was fake if she wasn’t touched. She glared at him, “Why are you being so melodramatic? Do you want me to cry?”

He smiled, hugged her and kissed her forehead, “I can’t let you cry.”

“Tsk-tsk, who am I messing with? I’ve been stuffed with a mouthful of dog food once I just go out. Don’t you want me to live?”

Armand Bernie stepped on the doorsill and leaned against the door with his hands on his chest, watching the scene that had just happened with great interest.

His eyes which were full of tenderness turned indifferent at this moment.

He slowly looked up and said, “Jealousy makes you ugly.”

Afterwards, he ignored Armand and walked in with Dolores in his arms, as if he was invisible.

Armand was speechless.

Was he jealous?

Yes, he was indeed jealous.

Wasn’t he pathetic enough? Why did he irritate him?

Was he thinking that he was easily bullied?

He cried out in his heart, ‘Heartless person who forgets his buddy when he has his wife!’ He felt that he was a pity wretch who had been abandoned at this moment.

Theresa Gordon didn’t forgive him and even his buddy only wanted his wife.

As he said the word ‘heartless’, Matthew who hadn’t gone far heard his voice, turned around and asked, “What did you say?”

Armand didn’t dare to talk anything as he was scared. He quickly rearranged his words, “Erm …your two children want to eat ice cream. I’m going out now, I want to ask if you guys have anything to buy. I’ll bring it back to you.”

Matthew asked her, “Do you have anything you want to eat?”

“Cake, cream cake.”

She hadn’t eaten anything since this morning and suddenly missed that taste of cream.

“Which flavour?” he asked again.

She thought for a moment, “Mango.”

Armand said, “Okay, I’ll buy some more fruit by the way.”

“Um.” Matthew replied. They won’t be able to leave today and had to wait until tomorrow. It wasn’t that convenient to buy things here, so he needed to drive outside to buy.

The best thing about this place was that it was quiet.

At this hour, there was sunlight in the yard and they walked into the hall. This wooden house was cool during summer and the temperature inside and outside the house was totally different, as if they had entered an air-conditioned room. In the middle of house, there was a square table. Jayden Nelson and Andrew Nelson were sitting opposite each other and there was a chessboard on the table. Two of them were playing chess. Andrew was facing problem and thinking of the next step to turn the tables.


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