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Snare of Love novel Chapter 546

Dolores looked into his dark eyes, knowing that he was testing or waiting for her to take the initiative.

In fact, she especially wanted to hold him and try to respond to him.

But she didn't do that because her body didn't allow her to indulge right now.

After waiting for a long time for her to respond to him, Matthew was a little frustrated. He frowned and asked in a low voice, "Don't you want to have me?"

"Yes, I do," Dolores said.

Matthew stopped frowning at once. With light in the corners of his eyes, he asked with a smile, "So why didn't you do that?"

Dolores sighed, "I didn't dare."

Matthew was speechless.

His face was extremely close to hers. His breath could even blow her hair as he spoke. He said in a low and hoarse voice, "It's easy to have me."

Dolores turned his face away and looked down and stroked her belly, "Your son won't allow it."

Matthew was speechless again.

He felt like having cold water poured over his head suddenly. Then he fell back onto the bed.

Dolores glanced at him, "I'm hungry."

She hadn't eaten since this morning and her stomach had been rumbling long ago.

Matthew sat up. He had brought the cake Armand had bought into the room and it was on the table. He took it over and handed it to Dolores, "This is the cake you want to eat. Try it to see if this is what you want."

Dolores reached for the cake, opened the box, and the smell of cream came out immediately. It made her mouth water.

She found that her taste had become very strange now. She suddenly wanted to eat this, and suddenly wanted to eat something else. Moreover, she couldn't miss her meal. She would feel very hungry if she ate later.

There was a spoon in the box. She took a spoonful of the cake into her mouth, and her mouth was full of the sweet and creamy taste. She used to find the cream very greasy, but now she felt it sweet.

Matthew got her a bottle of milk for fear that she would get thirsty. He handed her the milk with a straw in it, "Eat slowly. I won't grab it from you."

Dolores didn't take the milk with her hands, just took a sip of milk and swallowed the cream in her mouth, "I haven't eaten anything since this morning. I'm very hungry."

"Why didn't you eat?" He frowned. Why did she always let him worry about her?

"I was picked up by Tom yesterday. Charles wanted to see me this morning. Then I went to his wedding. I didn't have time to eat at all." Dolores completely forgot that Charles was Matthew's "enemy".

Only after she finished did she remember how much Matthew hated Charles. She quickly looked up at him and tried to explain. She opened her mouth, but she realized she couldn't say anything.

Because what she said was the truth.

Sure enough, his face sank when he heard Charles' name. Dolores offered him a piece of cake, "This is delicious, try it."

Matthew just looked at her without saying anything.

"Next time, I'll stay away from him and not talk to him. Don't be angry." She brought the cake to his mouth again, and Matthew still didn't open his mouth.

Dolores frowned. She had tried to make nice. What did he want from her?

Charles invited her to his wedding, and it was inappropriate for her not to come.

Besides, she also wanted to come here for a break at that time.


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