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Snare of Love novel Chapter 549

“Let’s go back to City B, an urgent matter has occurred in the company.” Matthew did not talk about the matter of Theresa. Maybe he was afraid that Armand’s emotion would be unstable after knowing Theresa’s matter. Furthermore, he was still driving now.

It would be too dangerous to tell him at the moment.

Armand snorted, “How urgent would the company’s issue be? Abbott was still there keeping an eye on it? Do you think the company will have to close down tomorrow if you can’t go back today?”

Soon, he changed to an understandable look in an instant and spoke with a smile, “I think you are just afraid that Dolores will leave again so you want to take her back immediately, right?”

Matthew glanced at him and said coldly, “Stop at the rest area ahead, I will drive later.”

“I am not tired yet.” He drove by himself when he came and he didn’t feel so tired.

“You are too talkative. I am afraid we’re not safe.”

Matthew lowered his head and texted Boyce. He had asked Boyce to go to City C and investigated Declan and he wondered there were any clues found there.

After sending the text, he glanced back. The two children were sleeping soundly while Dolores turned her head to look out of the window. She didn’t look good, she should be worried about Theresa.

It was not good timing for him to state it clearly in front of Armand. Thus, he just gently advised her, “I will deal with all those matters. You go and sleep for a while and don’t think too much.”

How could she not worry about it? Theresa was hurt so much before that. Not only that, she even encountered such a thing just as she came back. How could she calm down and how could she not worry about her?

However, since she did not want to cause trouble for Matthew, she just answered him and then closed her eyes and then pretended to sleep.

Matthew sighed and got his gaze back. He knew that she was pretending. However, he had nothing else to say and persuade her to relax.

He looked down at his phone and found that Boyce still had not texted him back. He looked up and leaned his body on the back of the chair and then he lightly pressed his temples.

“Are you hiding something from me?” Armand asked. Why did he feel like something was going on and that was why Matthew was in a hurry to go back?

Matthew did not look at him. He just spoke indifferently, “Concentrate on driving.”

Armand was speechless.

“I’m your full-time driver and you just treat me like this? Can’t you treat me more politely?” He really did not take him seriously.

Matthew opened his eyes and then he slowly looked over there casually, “Armand, do you still want to get Theresa back?”

“Of course.” Armand almost just spitted those words out.

The probability of him getting her back was very small.

Dolores, who was sitting at the back was getting nervous involuntarily when she heard that they were talking about Theresa. She was afraid that Matthew would tell Armand now about the matter that Theresa was kidnapped.

She was also afraid that Armand would know it now and he could only get nervous and worried about it after he knew about Theresa’s condition. Moreover, it still took hours for them to be back to City B.

Instead of making him uneasy, she felt that it was better to tell him about it after we got back. Then, we could discuss and come out with a plan together.

“Do you have a plan?” Armand asked with some excitement.


Armand asked impatiently, “What plan is it?”


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