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Snare of Love novel Chapter 551

In fact, even Dolores didn’t ask, for Armand, he would save Theresa from there no matter what it would take him.

Reaching out, he tossed Dolores’s hair back to her ear and whispered, “Could you treat me in the same way in the future please?”

Dolores wrapped her hands around his waist from an aside. Clinging to his chest, she promised, “I’ll treat you better in the future.”

She wanted to give him a warm home.

Probably their home might not be perfect, but at least they could live with their children altogether.

Soon, she withdrew her hands and urged him, “Hurry up and get down. They’re all waiting for you downstairs.”

They would have plenty of time to be together in the future, but Theresa couldn’t wait any longer.

Matthew kissed her on the forehead and comforted her, “Don’t worry.”

Dolores hummed. They walked out of the cloakroom. Matthew went downstairs, and both Boyce and Armand were still there. He cast a glance at Armand and said, “You should go home now.”

Armand had been stayed up for a whole night, so he was truly sleepy. He stood up. “Okay. I’ll go home for a nap and also visit my grandmother.”

Matthew hummed. After Armand was gone, Boyce came over and asked, “Doesn’t Armand know it?”

Fortunately, he didn’t ask Matthew just now, as he noticed that Armand looked pretty relaxed and didn’t seem to know about it. Hence, he didn’t mention Theresa’s matter.

“No. It’s no good for us if he has known it.” Armand always acted recklessly. If he knew it, he wouldn’t only be unable to help them save Theresa but also make trouble for them.

“Declan Bailey is truly a jerk! Why did he kidnap a woman? If he wants to do anything, he should do it directly to us!” Boyce looked quite annoyed.

“Let’s go.” Matthew walked out of the villa. Boyce followed him without asking him anything. Matthew knew what happened to Theresa, so Boyce believed that he had contacted Declan already.

They didn’t go with a driver. Matthew drove himself. It wasn’t the rush hour in the morning yet, so there wasn’t traffic on the way. Soon, they’ve arrived at Central Road. The nightclub, which emanated an exciting atmosphere at night, became quiet.

After parking the car, they got off one after another. They didn’t encounter the same erotic scene like that when they came last time. It seemed that after a whole night, all the guests had become exhausted.

The nightclub manager was taking charge of this place, but now he had gone to jail. John became the second chief here.

Besides Declan, everyone would obey his orders. Seem the two men, he came over with a smile. “Hello, gentlemen. Are you here to see our Mr. Bailey?”

“Where is he?” Boyce was expressionless, completely ignoring John’s frivolous look.

“Mr. Bailey is quite busy. However, he has informed me that if you come here, Mr. Nelson, I’ll receive you on his behalf. He’ll be here pretty soon.” John made a posture to let them in. However, he acted quite flippantly instead of respectfully as if he was intentionally satirizing them.

If Armand were here right now, he would retort him ironically, “Who do you think you are? You are just Declan Bailey’s dog. What are you without him?”

However, neither Matthew nor Boyce was reckless. They didn’t care about him at all.

Matthew slightly nodded and said indifferently, “Since Mr. Bailey has his plan, we’ll listen to the host.”

John felt as if he had thrown a punch on cotton. Instead of embarrassing Matthew, he was pissed off.


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