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Snare of Love novel Chapter 562

The man, who had appeared in City C and whose name was Declan Bailey as Dolores guessed, now showed up here. She wondered if he came for Matthew.

Right then, the call on her phone was connected. She heard Boyce’s voice. “Hello?”

Since Dolores used a new number that she started to use after moving to City C, so Boyce saw it as an unknown number on the phone.

Dolores pinched the cell phone. “What on earth happened Theresa?”

Boyce seemed to be startled at this voice. After a pause, he answered, “She’s in a hospital now.”

“Did she get hurt?” she asked nervously.

“She got some injuries and she’s on fever now. The doctor is treating her,” Boyce answered honestly.

However, when Dolores heard his words, she misunderstood.

Boyce’s answer kept reechoing in her mind.

She thought about John’s naked body, subconsciously misunderstanding that Theresa had been raped.

She looked down and asked hoarsely, “Does Armand know it?”

Boyce answered, “Yes, he does.”

“Which hospital are you guys at now?” Dolores asked in a hoarse tone.

“Are you coming over?”

“Not now. I’ll go there later.” Right now, she wanted to know why Declan came to see Matthew.

“The First People's Hospital,” Boyce said.

“I got it. Thanks.” She hung up the phone.

Pushing the door open, she got off and said to the driver, “Please wait for me here.”

She planned to go to the hospital later.

The driver answered and parked the car in the basement garage. It was quite hot outside.

Dolores entered the lobby. Although Matthew didn’t announce her identity to the public, he had admitted her to the company. Hence, all the employees knew who she was. She wasn’t stopped but treated respectfully.

She smiled faintly to anyone who greeted her.

When she walked out of the elevator, she bumped into Abbot. Seeing her, Abbot asked with a smile, “Good day, Mrs. Nelson. Are you here for Mr. Nelson?”

As Matthew’s important assistant, Abbot didn’t involve in as much of Matthew’s daily life as Boyce and Armand did, but he was pretty clear about his boss’s matters.

Dolores answered, “Yeah. Is it a good time?”

Abbott said, “Mr. Nelson is in the meeting with a guest now.”

“Is the guest in a silver-gray suit?” asked she.

Abbott nodded. “Have you seen Mr. Bailey?”

Upon hearing it, Dolores completely ensured that the man was truly Declan Bailey. Otherwise, Abbott wouldn’t have called him “Mr. Bailey.”

She nodded. “Yeah. I saw him come in earlier.”

“Would you like to wait in the lounge, please?” asked Abbott.

Dolores shook her head. “No, thanks. I’m going to go in and join their conversation.”


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