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Snare of Love novel Chapter 569

Dolores wasn’t in the mood to talk to her. “Now everything is clear. Can I go now?”

Mrs. Meyer hurriedly waved her hand. “My bad. Yes, please.”

Dolores looked up at Matthew. She was quite tired, whispering, “Let’s go.”

Matthew looked down at her, only to see the tiredness was overwritten on her face. She also looked spiritless. He guessed that she must be bothered by the matter that happened.

Grabbing Dolores’s hand that was taking his arm, he squinted and gazed at Charles coldly. He warned Charles, “Leave my wife alone in the future. This is the last time. Next time I wouldn’t let it go so easily.” Then he cast a cold glance at Tiana and Mrs. Meyer, leaving with Dolores.

Out of the lingerie store, Matthew asked, “Why did you come out alone?”

Dolores heaved a sigh. She said jokingly, “Or what? Should I ask you to come shopping with me?”

She didn’t have any friends and Theresa was the only close friend to her, but she was injured and staying home now. Thinking of Theresa, Dolores felt more depressed.

Matthew turned to look at her. “What do you want to buy? I’ll go with you.”

Dolores didn’t come out shopping for herself. She was just kidding. She knew that he was always busy and nor could he be like a husband from an ordinary family shopping with her.

She looked up at Matthew with a bright smile and said in a coquettish tone, “Are you shopping with me for real?”

Matthew lowered his head and kissed her on her lips, chuckling. “Don’t I look serious?”

Charles, out of the lingerie store, witnessed the scene not far from him, kept calm. However, a trace of different feelings flashed through his eyes. He could tell that Dolores and Matthew loved each other very much.

Mrs. Meyer didn’t notice Charles’s expression. She was still shocked that Matthew had got married and his wife was already pregnant. “The public always calls Matthew Nelson a golden bachelor. How come he’s already married?”

Charles cast her a gland, operating the wheelchair to leave in silence. Tiana hurriedly followed him. When Mrs. Meyer returned to her senses and saw her daughter’s action, she heaved a sigh.

Her daughter wasn’t only pure-minded but also cared so much about Charles and obeyed him a lot. One day if Charles dumped her, she wondered what her daughter should do.

It wasn’t that she always had the evil prediction and wished her daughter to lead an unhappy life, but in her opinion, her daughter was way too naive and didn’t know how bad a man could be. She didn’t think Tiana knew how to please her husband and gain his heart. If this went on, Mrs. Meyer was afraid.

She reminded her daughter, “Tiana, slow down.”

Then she followed them.

On the way back home, Charles had been quiet all the time as if he was expressing how unhappy he was in this way.

He could tell that Dolores was quite angry.

She couldn’t be happy since she was slandered as a mistress and watched for fun by so many onlookers.

He had never expected that Mrs. Meyer could stop Dolores from leaving in public despise her own identity.

That was too much!

The Meyer’s residence was in a community next to the office building of the City B government. There was a big park opposite the government office, so the surroundings were pretty nice. The community was on the right side of the park, covered by the forest in the park. It looked quite low-key, but the people who stayed in this community were almost the families of the government officers.


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