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Snare of Love novel Chapter 578

Maisy’s eyes lit up. It was feasible to hide that person in the White City since Charles was not a citizen of City B. Then this problem would be solved, right?

Declan wanted to hide that person in Maisy’s home because he thought her home was safe. But hiding him in the White City was safer than in her home.

Maisy thought Charles had done a great favour to her, “Charles…”

When Maisy prepared to say something to Charles, Alan interrupted his wife in a deep voice, “Are you muddled-headed?”

He was not angry about Maisy telling Charles about Declan’s matter; instead, he was angry that she didn't consider the consequences. He looked at his wife seriously, “You’re clear of your brother’s characteristics. Haven’t you seen the news? Apparently that person is not a good man. But you try to leave it to Charles. Do you want Charles to get involved in these dirty things?”

Maisy didn't think too much of it just now as she just wanted to solve this matter as soon as possible. But when hearing her husband’s reminder, she thought of it carefully. It was true that she couldn't leave that person to Charles because the thing that person did in the temple had caused great attention.

Even Declan couldn't hide him. This matter was definitely not that simple.

She only had a daughter, so she could by no means bring trouble to her daughter and daughter-in-law.

Since Charles only came to City B not long ago, he didn't know what had happened and asked, “I’m not an outsider. Tell me if you have any problem so that I can give you some advice.”

Alan heaved a long sigh and said to Charles sincerely and earnestly, “You came to City B not long ago, so you may not know about the situation in the city. This is not the White City. There are many big wits here and it's very complicated. I don't want to tell you because I don't want you to get involved in those unnecessary troubles.”

Charles knew that Alan’s words were for the sake of him, but he sincerely wanted to help them.

“Now that I’ve been your daughter-in-law, I will regard myself as a member of the Meyer family. Now, dad and mom have encountered a problem that bothers you, as Tiana’s husband, how can I just stand aside? Even if I can't help, dad, mom, please tell me what’s going on. Don't take me as an outsider or a weak person.”

Alan heaved a long sigh, “Why are you so stubborn?”

Since Charles had said these words, it seemed to be inappropriate if he continued to keep it a secret. So Alan asked him to read the news.

Charles took out his phone and searched the news according to Alan’s words. Then he quickly found numerous pieces of news about the temple. A naked man actually appeared in the temple, a place where enshrined Buddha and required quietness. And that man had many injures. There must be some inside stories.

“Your fucking brother Declan just wants to put such a dirty thing into our home. How can he think of such a wicked idea? Alan said in a cold voice.

Charles was still reading the news with his head lowered, but he accidently saw a piece of news about Matthew and Dolores going shopping in the mall together.

He hesitated for a while and swiped past it. He then continued to read the news about the temple.

“He creates troubles every day. This time he even offended Matthew. Otherwise, he wouldn't have thought of hiding that person in our home because he can't hide him outside.” Alan didn't want to get involved in Declan’s matters. But that matter about Declan had caused great attention within the city. Even though he didn't want to know about his information, he had heard of it.

Charles looked up at Alan and asked, “What's its relationship with Matthew?”

“I’m not clear of the detail either. I just heard some rumours about this matter. It seemed like Declan caught Matthew’s man and locked the person in the temple. Then the scene you saw on the reports just now happened. Humph, doesn't want to hand over his friend, nor can he hide him outside. Therefore, he wants to hide him at our home. He’s so evil! Even though his father had a son at an old age, he can't pamper him light this. Pampering your son is like killing him. Declan is so unruly and he will have some big troubles sooner and later.”

Charles was lost in his thought after hearing Alan’s words. Declan caught Matthew’s man. Who had he caught? Was it Dolores?


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