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Snare of Love novel Chapter 597

Dolores was thirsty so she came down to pour water. Seeing her sitting there while crying, she thought she was unaccustomed to the lifestyle here so she walked down, drew a tissue and handed it to her, “What’s wrong with you? Is there anything wrong?”

Lucy hurriedly packed everything up and said, “Nothing.”

She obviously did not look like she was fine. Dolores handed the tissue to her again, “Wipe it off.”

Lucy stood up, took the tissue handed to her and wiped her tears away.

Dolores poured two cups of water and handed one of them to her, “Could you tell me why are you crying? If there is anything that you aren’t used to here, you can talk to me.”

“No, I’m fine to stay here.” She lowered her head, “I just miss my son.”

Dolores saw her holding the stationery box in her hand and understood well. She understood how the mood of a mother who missed her child was. She said before that after she divorced her husband, a son followed her husband. But even so, she as a mother should have visitation rights, “You can go to see her if you miss him. If your ex-husband doesn’t allow you to visit him, I can find a lawyer for you.”

She was also a mother so she could understand Lucy’s current mood. While feeling sympathetic for her, she also wanted to give her some help.

“No, no need.” She had visitation rights. Although she only had one chance per month which was not many, she did not want to cause trouble for others.

“It’s already afternoon, are you hungry?” Lucy asked after calming herself.

Dolores drank all the water in the cup, put it down and said, “It’s fine to make it now.”

When the meal was done, she would be hungry.

It was usually Coral who prepared the food. She said, “Let me make lunch today so Coral can take a break.”

After she came here, there was nothing that she was not used to. Everyone was very nice and Coral gave her a lot of help.

Dolores said okay.

She could not fall asleep anymore and intended to go to Theresa’s room to chat with her. Before she went in, she spoke to Lucy again, “You can tell me if there is anything you need.”

She did not mean anything else but simply wanted to give her help.

Lucy said, “Okay, thank you.”

Dolores said ‘no problem’ while smiling, turned around and went to Theresa’s room.

On the other hand, the two people who came out of the club got in the car and left. Boyce drove the car to the entrance of the WY Group.

Boyce sharply saw the car parked at the entrance and said, “Isn’t this Charles’s car?”

Matthew raised his eyes and looked over. Charles’s car was indeed parked in the parking space outside the tower.

“Why did he come here?” Boyce put one hand on the car window and looked like he was interested to know it.

After all, Charles understood better than anyone else how unwelcome he was to be in this place but he still took the initiative to come and look for something unpleasant for him. Was not this very rare?

Matthew originally wanted to go in but after knowing that Charles was here, he called Abbott to let him drive the car out of the tower.

Boyce looked at Matthew and said while smiling, “Don’t be so stingy. He has already come here, why don’t you give him a wedding invitation? Let him attend your wedding so that he’ll give up?”

Matthew ignored him.

Abbott parked the car behind Boyce’s car. He got out and handed the car key to Matthew, “Someone called Mr. White is here to see you, he has been waiting for two hours.”

Matthew took the key and said, “Just say I’m not here.”

After saying that, he took the car key and got in the car. He started the car engine and left.

“Is your boss particularly petty?” Boyce looked at the car that was speeding away and asked Abbott with a smile.

Abbott cast a look which meant that ‘you know better than me’, “You ask me about this? Are you sure?”

He initially was going to say that the two of them were so close that the only thing they had not done was sleeping together in the same bed. ‘Don’t you know Matthew’s personality better than I do?’

But he did not say it. He waved his hand, “I’m leaving.” He was very busy.

Boyce also did not waste time here. He drove the car back to the club and on the way, he received a video sent by his subordinate.


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