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Snare of Love novel Chapter 599

"Captain Shawn, do you have a friend here?" As he spoke, Charles's eyes fell on Jasmine, and he asked with a smile, "And this is?"

Boyce couldn't say he liked Charles or disliked him. He just didn't think he should have a married woman on his mind.

He thought that was immoral.

"I should be the one to ask you that, right?" Boyce naturally knew what kind of people were living in the neighborhood.

Charles had some influence in White City, but there were so many big shots in City B that he was nothing.

It was very unusual for him to know the people in this neighborhood.

He soon figured it out again, glanced at Tiana, smiled, and said, "Mr. White, you’re impressing."

Tiana might not be very smart, but she did have a good family background, and it was awesome for Charles to marry her.

Charles did not continue to talk nonsense to him, but said in a solemn voice, "Captain Shawn, may I have a word with you?"

He didn't know that Boyce was now a deputy officer, so he still referred to him as the captain.

"What do we have to talk about?" Boyce didn't mean to embarrass him. He just felt that he shouldn't be close to him, much less involved, because of his relationship with Matthew.

"I have an appointment. I'll go first." After saying that, he turned to greet Jasmine, "Let's go."

"Captain Shawn, do we have a grudge?" Charles frowned. Should he be doomed just because he liked Dolores?

Boyce gave him a look, "We don't have a grudge. I'm only friends with decent people. I don't like people who covet other people's wives with bad intentions."

After saying that, he and Jasmine walked away.

Charles could not retort. He also knew that this was not right, but who could control the feelings?

If feelings could be controlled by the brain, and he could stop loving Dolores just as he said, he might have given this command to his heart long ago. He told himself countless times that this was not right, to let go, but the feelings were still there.

He had tried not to think about her, or create opportunities to meet with her. What more did he want him to do?

"Some people are quietly hiding precisely for love. It's her you're hiding from, but it's the silent love that you can't hide from. Charles, it's not your fault." Tiana put her hands over his shoulders and said comfortingly, "Just like my uncontrollable feelings for you. If feelings could be put down so easily, they wouldn't seem precious.

Charles held her hand and smiled, "Actually, I'm very lucky."

God sent her to his side.

This was the luckiest thing in his life.

She was simple and kind and understood all his helplessness.

He wished that he had never met Dolores, but what had happened could not be reversed, and the heart that had throbbed could not be restored to its original state.

"Maybe Dad can help us." Tiana knew that he was trying to get justice for Tom.

Charles shook his head. He knew that Alan did not like people from the Bailey family and did not want to get involved with the Bailey family. After all, Mrs. Meyer was related to the Bailey family.


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