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Snare of Love novel Chapter 603

Actually, she understood that society would be in chaos if legal constraints didn't exist.

However, when she thought of what happened to her mother, her heart was aching.

Boyce didn't know how to comfort her. Even if he had seen many seamy sides of lives, it was hard for him, as an outsider, to empathize on this matter.

In reality, things that had happened to Jasmine's parents were a norm in many places. Every person is an individual, and their actions and thoughts are all independent. Therefore, every individual is different, and some people are much more absurd than others.

The only thing he could do was care a little more for this pitiful girl.

Now he only knew why her mother was sent to prison. The last time when he read the case file, he knew it was a homicide, but he didn't read about the murder motives. And now he knew that the murder was an act of resistance due to oppression from long-term domestic violence. It was indeed sympathizing. However, a murder is still a murder, no matter what the motives were.

If anyone could anyhow punish bad people, wouldn't this society become chaotic?

Jasmine also didn't know what was going on with her just now for telling him her story, "I'm very sorry. I shouldn't have told you."

"No, it's okay. I don't mind. Do you know why some foreign countries are in disorder?" Boyce said.

Jasmine said she knew, "Because their law is incomplete. I heard that some countries even allow their citizens to own weapons. You can't even sleep peacefully at night if you live in that country."

"That's why it's important to have the law. Other than protecting the personal safety of people, a complete set of laws is also important for the continuity of society. No matter what the reason is, or who did it, everyone is equal and should get punished for committing a crime." Boyce said.

"I understand. It was just a momentary sigh of emotion." Jasmine lowered her eyes. She could only blame her own immaturity at that time, and that she should have reported to the relevant departments. For now, the government has already introduced many laws about women, and there were some good solutions for solving domestic violence.

"Where are we going?" Boyce asked.

He didn't know the way.

"I'm not familiar with this area. Drive to the west of the city." Jasmine laughed and said, "I've almost forgotten that we are going to eat. You should be hungry by now, right?"

Boyce told her that he was still okay.

After he said that, the two of them did not speak again, and the car fell into silence.

Jasmine worked part-time around this area; therefore, she was very familiar with the place.

"Turn right at the intersection in front."

Boyce followed her instructions and turned right at the intersection in front.

"Just follow this road and drive straight," Jasmine said.

Boyce turned and glanced at her, "What is there to eat here?"

"You will know when we reach there. If I tell you know, there won't be any surprise." Jasmine said playfully, letting him guess.

Boyce smiled and did not ask anymore. Even though Jasmine did not have a good childhood, she was optimistic and tough. Furthermore, although she lived alone in the city, he could tell that she was hardworking, and was not pessimistic, which was very rare.

"Stop the car in front of the red sign," Jasmine said.

Boyce drove the car and stopped in front of the red sign. Jasmine pushed opened the door and got out of the car.

She stood in front of the restaurant and waited for Boyce, and said, "I used to work part-time in this restaurant, and I know the owner. Their special roast duck is super good."

Even though the restaurant's location wasn't ideal, the place was big, and their decorations were unique. Additionally, the place was quite clean too.

"We're a little late. It will be full of customers if we came at noon. Let's go in." Jasmine smiled and said.

Boyce nodded and went into the restaurant. Because it was past the peak lunch hours, there were a lot of empty seats. Jasmine chose a table close to a French window.


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