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Snare of Love novel Chapter 612

Boyce pursed his lips tightly, he didn’t know how to answer her. Although this girl was young, but she was attentive and kind, just that the fate was not treating her friendly.

Jasmine turned and looked at him, “Why are you feeling unhappy?”

It seemed like he was having something in his mind, this was the first time seeing this kind of face expression from him, ever since she knew him.

Boyce didn’t answer her from the beginning to the end.

Jasmine sat properly and didn’t ask him anymore, she thought that he was a human too and he would also have something bothering him, it was inappropriate for her to keep on making noise beside him.

Maybe he wanted to be in silence.

They didn’t talk all the way, Boyce was thinking of how to tell Jasmine about her mother’s matter while Jasmine thought that he was having something in his mind.

When the car had arrived at the station, Boyce let them go inside first while he wanted to chat with Jasmine alone for a while.

They got out of the car and left, but Boyce and Jasmine didn’t get out of the car.

“What do you want to tell me?” Jasmine finally felt that there was something wrong, usually he wouldn’t be so hesitated to do something.

‘He seemed to be unhappy today, what trouble he is having now?’ She suddenly thought of something.

“Uncle?” Jasmine deliberately wanted to amuse him, she then laughed and joked, “You’re so old already, but you still want to behave like a young person and be in a mood?”

Boyce looked up at her face, she was grown up in such an unfortunate family since young, but she didn’t give up on her life, nor did she lose the enthusiasm for life. She had worked hard to get into a top university while taking care of her mother who was serving the prison sentence.

He stretched his arm and patted her head, he didn’t have other thought, he just felt that she was so pity and he wanted to comfort her.

Jasmine was shocked, her body froze, she had never thought of him to touch her.

After all he was a serious person, he had always kept a distance with women.

‘How would he…’

“You…” Jasmine was talking incoherently, “Are you okay?”

“Your mother…”

“Why?” Jasmine blinked her eyes, ‘Although mum is inside the prison, but she is healthy, what thing can happen on her?’

So Jasmine didn’t think of the negative side at all.

“Why don’t you talk? Is it that she wants to meet me? I had just visited her a few days ago, I didn’t hear of commutation as well, what happens on her?” Jasmine continued asking.

“She had suffered from a sudden disease in the prison… And passed away.”

Jasmine’s face turned livid in a moment, she couldn’t believe what she had heard. It was like the sudden thunder which struck someone’s head on a sunny day, as well as someone pouring a pail of cold water from her head to toe. She was numbed all over the body, she was adrift and she looked at him, “What, what, what are you saying?”

Boyce repeated again, “Your mother had passed away.”

“You’re lying!” She suddenly interrupted him loudly, “I had just visited her a few days ago, she was fine, how could it be possible?”

‘This is definitely fake, am I dreaming?’

‘Yes, this must be a dream. For sure this is because mother misses me, so she had given me a dream to let me go visit her.’

‘This must be the case.’

“I’ll visit her tomorrow.” She kept on repeating these words, she opened the door and got out of the car while saying these words. Boyce followed her and got out of the car, he grasped her arm, “Please calm down.”

“How can I calm down!” She was her only loved one, but he was telling her that even her only loved one had gone already.

How could she accept this.

“You’re lying to me, right?” Her eyes swelled and became red, she didn’t know how to pose her limbs, the limbs were shivering continuously.

Boyce said cruelly, “No, I’m not lying to you, it’s true.”

Jasmine cried, then she laughed after crying, like a maniac.


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