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Snare of Love novel Chapter 617

“Get out!” Theresa Gordon didn’t care about the place where she was. She was acting hysterically towards him since a long time ago.

Armand Bernie didn’t move as he looked at her, “Theresa…”

“Do you want me to die in front of you before you stop doing this?!” Her hand was placed on her chest as she could hardly breathe.

It was so painful. She felt like she was going to die.

Armand didn’t dare to force her too much and he slowly stood up, “I will give you some time.”

After saying the words, he walked out of the room and closed the door of the room. Theresa’s crying sound seemed to be louder as no one else was in the room and she didn’t suppress herself anymore. Dolores Flores was standing on the stairs on the second floor. She saw that Armand took a deep sigh when he walked out.

Just now, they had made a big commotion downstairs. Everyone had known about it. However, everyone was very sensible and they didn’t come out of the room.

Matthew Nelson hugged her, “Stop looking.”

Dolores followed him back to the bedroom, “I want to ask you something. You have to answer me honestly.”

“Okay. You say.”

“If I couldn’t give birth to a child, would you still treat me as good as you are now?” Dolores raised her head and looked at him.

Matthew looked at her, “Why are you saying these?”

‘Their kids are not that young anymore. There is no reason to answer such hypothetical question.’

‘Why is she so strange today? Why is she asking such childish questions?’

She was like asking a question as childish as a woman who asked her boyfriends, who would they save first if she and his mother fell into the water at the same time.

“I am asking you. You have to answer me honestly.” Dolores didn’t let him go as she grabbed his collar. He had to give her an answer.

Matthew lowered his eyes to look at the small hands that were grabbing his collar. He said, “No. Even if you couldn’t give birth to a child, I would still love you. However, I will have some regrets.”

If two people who loved each other were living together without a child, they would have some regrets. When he thought about his life without Amanda Nelson and Andrew Nelson, he couldn’t accept it.

Dolores slowly let go of her hands. ‘Yeah, they could love each other. However, there would be regrets for sure. Giving birth to a child is a process that every couple should go through. It is also a stage of life when a woman becomes a mother. It will also let the man experience the joy and excitement of becoming a father.’

She lowered his eyes, ‘What should Theresa do in the future?’

Matthew realized that she was not in the right mood, “What’s wrong with you?”

She shook his head, “Nothing.”

However, her look didn’t seem fine. Matthew lowered his head to kiss her lips. Dolores frowned as she stared at him.

He smiled, “You look ugly when you have something in your mind. Stop frowning.”

Dolores hit his chest, “You are the ugly one!”

“How am I ugly?” He frowned.

Dolores said, “You looked ugly everywhere.”

After saying that, she quickly walked into the room and tried to close the door to lock him outside the door. However, Matthew moved quickly to block the door but he didn’t dare to apply much force as he was afraid to hurt the baby in her belly. Dolores also didn’t dare to close the door as she would hurt his hands.

“You get out.” Dolores pretended to be angry.

“I am not going out.” Matthew was also determined, “Stop playing around.”

“Who asked you to say I am ugly?” Dolores continued to pretend to be angry, “I have decided to draw a line with you. This is my room. You are not allowed to enter.”

Matthew was speechless.

He immediately conceded, “You are not ugly. I am ugly. I am ugly.”

Dolores laughed because of his behavior. She slightly dissipated her force on her hands and Matthew took the opportunity to push the door and walk into the room. He hugged her and laid on the bed. He held her head with his hands and let her look at him as he was still thinking about the fact that she said he was ugly, “Am I really ugly?”

Dolores felt funny. He could be upset because of something like that. She smiled as she said, “I don’t dislike you for being ugly.”

Matthew was speechless.

“Do you really think that I am ugly?”

Dolores said with bad intentions, “Yes.”

“Do you think that you are handsome because many people like you? Actually no. It is because you are rich. Nowadays, women dislike the poor and love the rich. I am also the same. I love you because you are rich.”

Matthew was provoked until he laughed, “Doesn’t your heart feel painful after belittling your husband?”


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