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Snare of Love novel Chapter 619

He frowned and thought to himself, ‘Why is her phone turned off?’ She had no other place to go to other than the campus, which was already empty by now. He looked at the man and asked, “Did she say where she was going?”

The man shook his head, “But I think she probably went to the crematorium first, otherwise where would she put the body?”

Boyce looked at the time. The crematorium was already closed by now. He replied, “Okay.”

While pushing the door to his office open, he thought of something and called the man again, “Is there a record of her hometown’s address in the file?”

“Where’s that?”

“J county.”

Boyce asked again, “Is there a detailed address?”

The man doesn’t remember, “It should be there.”

“Bring me the file.”

Then, Boyce walked into the office while the man had to go and get the file for him. When he came back, he passed the file to Boyce.

“You can go home now.” Boyce took the file over and looked at the address section of her record. J county, which was a mountainous place, was quite a distance away from City B. Initially, Boyce wanted to send his men to accompany Jasmine back to her hometown when she came and claim the dead body since he didn’t have the time to spare.

She was a girl and needed to be taken care of.

But it looked like she left already.

Boyce closed the file, feeling uneasy as he sat back in his chair.

Public transportation required the passengers to purchase tickets with their IDs now, so if it wasn’t this late, Boyce could’ve found out how she traveled back home.

However, he was fidgeting from his worry for that girl.

In the end, he couldn’t sit still anymore. He took his keys and left the office. Once he got into the car, he used his phone to navigate the way to J county. After planning his route, he drove on the road according to the navigation.

Actually, Jasmine hadn’t left yet. She wasn’t planning to return anymore after leaving, so she was still settling her school matters for dropping out.

That was why even after the sun came up the following day, Boyce couldn’t find any of her traveling records after getting his people to check on it.

“She didn’t purchase any train, high-speed rail or plane tickets? There’s no record at all?” Boyce’s heart skipped a beat. ‘How did she go back then?’

“Yeah, there’s nothing. If she took a cab or bus, then we cannot be sure about this. A lot of buses don’t pick their passengers up at the stations, and no IDs are required, so we can’t find anything from that.”

Boyce said, “Got it.”

Then, he hung out. As he was still worried sick about Jasmine, he decided to head to J county.

Jasmine settled her schooling matters and came to the police station to bid farewell to Boyce. She wasn’t coming back, and they wouldn’t have a chance to meet each other anymore.

“Boyce isn’t here.”

“Where did he go?” Jasmine asked.

“I’m not sure either. Why don’t you go to his house?” The police officer suggested.

Jasmine thought for a moment, “Could you tell me his address?”

The police officer told her Boyce’s address, and Jasmine left in a cab after saying her thanks.

When she arrived, she knocked at the door but no one came to it. Then, she just sat outside and waited.

When it was time for Jasmine to leave, Boyce was still nowhere in sight. She turned on her mobile phone, which she switched off yesterday, not wanting anyone to disturb her as she locked herself up in the hotel room. She was not feeling good as her mother just got cremated.

The main reason she was turning her phone on now was to give Boyce a call. Initially, she wanted to bid farewell to him in person, but it seemed that she couldn’t wait anymore and had to say her goodbyes through the phone.

She made a call, but the other person’s phone was turned off.

Boyce’s phone ran out of battery after he used it for navigation the whole night. Currently, he was buying a phone charger.

After driving for one night, Boyce finally arrived at J county. With the help of the locals, he managed to find Jasmine’s house. Her house was empty, deserted, and her neighbors said they had not seen her come home.

Boyce did not leave immediately but asked a little about Jasmine’s family. It was pretty much the same as what Jasmine had told him.

After her father’s death, her mother served a sentence. There was no one else at home after she went to college, so it got deserted.

It was a tile-roofed house and looked to be in bad condition after being deserted for a long time.


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