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Snare of Love novel Chapter 642

Matthew laughed, "Even if I have nothing to say to you, can't I stay here and have some alone time with you?"

Dolores was speechless.

Dolores did not say anything, and she felt helpless, "This is the kitchen. Why are you lingering here? It's not like you can cook or cut vegetables."

"Are you looking down on me?" Matthew unbuttoned his cuffs and pulled his sleeves up. He washed his hands in the basin, "Give me the knife, I'll cut the vegetables."

Dolores looked at him, "You want to cut the vegetables?"

Matthew took the knife from her hand, "What's so hard about this?"

Dolores handed over the knife and stood at the side. She untied her apron, and tied it around Matthew's waist, "Then, you will prepare the meal for tonight?"

Matthew lowered his head and looked at her hand, which was tying the apron on his waist. He said with a light smile, "Do you dare to eat it if I'm the one cooking it?"

"What is there to be afraid of? No matter what the taste is, whether it is raw or cooked, I'll eat it as long as you make it." Dolores stood aside.

Matthew laughed, "Then I think I need to go for some culinary class. I can't let my daughter starve, right?"

As he said that, he glanced towards Dolores's stomach.

Dolores felt a little ridiculous. Why did he think that it will be a daughter in her stomach? And was he learning to cook just because for her daughter?

"You do the cooking today." After saying that, Dolores tried to leave the kitchen. Matthew pulled her wrist and said, "Stay here and accompany me."

Dolores looked at him faintly, "Let your daughter accompany you."

Matthew was lost for words.

He was stunned for a moment, thinking that her words were quite clueless. However, he quickly reacted and realized why she was acting like that. He couldn't help but smirk, "Are you jealous?"

"Who's jealous?" Dolores was not jealous. Even if she was, she wouldn't admit it.

"If you are not jealous, then why do you want to leave?"

"I don't want to stay in the kitchen." Dolores raised her head and said, "Let go of me now, I'm going out."

Matthew smiled and embraced her into his arms, "You are the one that I'm closest to, and also the one who shares the bed with me..."

Dolores instantly covered his mouth. They were in the kitchen, and there were people in the living room. How could this man talk without thinking about the occasion?

What if other people heard what he said?

"Help me take out my phone from my pocket." Matthew felt a vibration coming from his phone as though someone was calling him. His hands were still wet, so it was inconvenient for him to reach his phone.

Dolores warned him, "Don't fool around and say these kind senseless words. It's not good if other people hear what you say."

Matthew was speechless.

How was he saying senseless things?

They were couples, and they slept together too. So how would it be senseless to say that she was the one that he's closest to? His son would eventually get married and leave the house. As for his daughter, even how unwilling he was, she would eventually get married too.

Dolores asked, "Which pocket?"

"On the right side," Matthew answered her.

She reached her hand to his pocket, touched the vibrating phone, took it out, and saw Armand's name on the phone screen.

Thinking of what happened today, the smile on Dolores's face instantly vanished. She looked at Matthew and said, "It's Armand."

"You answer the call," Matthew said.

Dolores replied to him with an "um", then answered the call, "Hello?"

She could feel as if the person on the other side of the phone paused for a moment, seemingly felt weird because it was her who had answered the phone, "Dolores?"

Dolores said yes.

"I'm at the police station. Can you get Matthew here to bail me out?"

Dolores frowned, "Why did you end up in a police station?"

"I got into a fight," Armand said nonchalantly.


Armand replied with an "um" and hung up the phone.


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