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Snare of Love novel Chapter 644

Boyce did drink a lot, but he had a clear head. No matter how close he was to Officer Miller, he couldn't sleep in his house.

He wanted to refuse, but he didn't know how to refuse Officer Miller's hospitality.

After all, it was Officer Miller who helped him this time.

No matter what, he owed him a favor.

"Boyce, why do you seem preoccupied?" Officer Miller looked at him and asked.

Even Officer Miller, who was a little drunk, could see that Boyce was hesitant.

Just as Boyce wondered how to answer Officer Miller, his phone rang in his pocket. He said, "I'll take a call."

He took out his phone. Wendy, who sat next to him, deliberately glanced at his phone screen, as if she was worried that Jasmine might be calling him again.

However, his phone screen showed a call from his sister-in-law. She was relieved. But he was not from City B and had no relatives here. How could he have a sister-in-law here?

Wendy gave Boyce a strange look.

Boyce picked up the phone as soon as he saw the caller ID.


"Is this Boyce?" Dolores asked.

Dolores didn't feel comfortable with Armand leaving alone, so she called Boyce to ask him to take care of Armand.

Boyce said, "Yes."

"Armand said he would come to you. Please take care of him," Dolores said.

Boyce frowned and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"He broke up with Theresa and is in a bad mood. We just got him out of the police station."

"Why was he at the police station?" Boyce asked nervously.

Did he do something wrong?

Otherwise, why would he be at the police station?

"He fought with someone. He was hurt quite badly. I wanted him to come with us to the villa, but he didn't want to. Today, we have something else to do, so I want to ask you to take care of him. I'm afraid he'll do something crazy again."

They planned to give Oscar a welcome party tonight. So both she and Matthew had to be at the villa. After all, they had to introduce Oscar to Jayden and Kevin.

So, they couldn't stay with Armand.

Boyce said, "I got it. I'm going to find him."

Dolores gave a hmm.

After the call hung up, Boyce also found a reason to go back. He looked to Officer Miller, "I have something I need to get back to."

Officer Miller didn't force him to stay. After all, he had something to do. So Officer Miller said, "Okay, go ahead. However, you are too drunk to drive ..."

"Dad, I'll give him a ride," Before Officer Miller could finish his sentence, Wendy interrupted him.

Officer Miller glanced at his daughter. He knew what she was thinking, sighed slightly, and said, "Boyce can't drive after drinking, so you can drive him."

Boyce said, "I can take a taxi."

He didn't want to bother them. He was quite worried about Armand now, and he couldn't tell Wendy's intention.

However, even without Armand, Boyce was so dull that he wouldn't notice Wendy's feelings for him.

Wendy took her car key and said, "It's not easy to get a taxi around here. It's better for me to drive you. You have drunk so much. If you leave alone, my father will not be at ease. If something happens to you, we are also responsible. After all, you drink at our house. You should stop excusing yourself. We are so familiar with each other. It's okay for me to send you back. Are you afraid that I will eat you up?"

Since Wendy said so, Boyce couldn't refuse, so he had to agree.

On the way, he called Armand's phone. His phone could be reached, but he didn't answer.

He heard from Dolores that he was in a bad mood, so he was worried. He called him again, and still no one answered.

He called Armand twice and no one answered, so he got a little anxious.

Wendy, who was driving the car, said comfortingly, "Don't worry. Wait a while before you call again."

Boyce nodded.

Wendy asked, "Where are we going now?"

Boyce gave the address of his home.

Dolores said that Armand came to him. At this hour, he couldn't go to his office. Then, he could only go to his house.

After more than ten minutes, the car pulled up in front of the neighborhood where he lived.

Wendy parked the car. He opened the car door and got out, saying, "Drive slowly. Be safe."


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