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Snare of Love novel Chapter 646

On the day before the wedding, she was busy trying on the dress and deciding her make-up. She did not sleep well at night as Matthew was not beside her. As a result, she was still sleeping even though it was already over eight o’clock in the morning.

There was a tradition that the two people who wanted to get married could not meet each other on the day before the wedding. So, Matthew was not at home yesterday and he stayed in a hotel last night.

The make-up artist and stylist had already arrived at the villa. Theresa ran upstairs and woke Dolores who was still asleep, “Today is your wedding day. How can you still fall asleep?”

Dolores opened her eyes drowsily and saw Theresa’s anxious face, “There is still time, right?”

Theresa was speechless.

“Are you planning to go to the wedding ceremony in your pyjamas? Everybody is waiting for you. Hurry up and get ready.” Theresa was indeed helpless.

This new bride made people worry.

Dolores was awake as she rubbed her eyes and asked, “What time is it?”

“It is almost nine o’clock and you still haven’t put on make-up and changed your clothes. What are you up to? If you don’t want to get married, I will call your husband now.” Theresa deliberately teased her.

Dolores got down from the bed and went to wash her face. She was now only awake. Theresa pulled her, “Let’s go. Let the make-up artist help you primp.”

Dolores was speechless.

“There is still time. You shouldn’t be in such a hurry. He can’t run away anyway.” Dolores held her stomach and followed Theresa out.

Theresa stopped her step and looked back at her, “Who can’t run away?”

“The bridegroom,” Dolores replied appropriately.

Theresa was speechless.


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