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Snare of Love novel Chapter 648

Theresa ran over to the window, “Let me see.”

Coral pointed outside, “Look there.”

Theresa looked over to the outside.

The cars were about to drive to the villa gate at this time.

Theresa did not see where they stopped the car because some objects blocked her view. She did not know how many cars there were. However, she knew that there would not be fewer cars outside with such a high-profile event.

Soon Theresa saw someone opened the car door. The first thing that caught her eyes was a pair of long, slender legs, followed by the man who leaned over and got out of the car.

The man was in a black suit that fitted him perfectly and showed a flowing line of his figure. He looked firm and extraordinary with his outfit.

Matthew walked towards the villa steadily. Although there was no best man, there were those who accompanied Matthew to the escorting the bride.

They were all in black suits and followed orderly in a line behind Matthew.

Theresa saw the door was about to open, so she ran behind the door to lock it and said to everyone in the house, “Although we don't have bridesmaids, we can't easily let the groom meet the bride.”

“That's right,” Coral agreed so much, “I see there are so many games that make it hot for people on the internet. Why don't we have some too?”

“Coral is cute in this way. Just do as you say. I'll stall them off. You take Tiana and Lucy to prepare the things needed,” Theresa said.

Coral said cheerily, “Alright, I'm on it.”

At the same time, the groom and his men reached the door, and someone was knocking on the door.

Theresa opened the small door a little way next to her and said, “If you want to come in, give us the red packets first.”

Someone outside the house said, “Isn't there no bridesmaid? Why is someone making things difficult for us?”

Abbott said, “They did not say that we can easily meet the bride without bridesmaids. Hurry to prepare the red packets since we can't burst the door.”

The copper door of the villa was fireproof and burglarproof, so they could not burst the door since it was not the wooden door in the ancient.

They all thought they could easily meet the bride when they arrived at the villa because there were no bridesmaids. So they did not prepare the red packets.

“Fortunately, the wedding planner had given me a red packet,” Boyce walked over to the door and took out the red packet from his pocket.

Abbott said, “The wedding planner has more experience than us since they know that there may be unexpected circumstances.”

Boyce nodded, and he recalled the words the wedding planner said, “You should prepare the red packets whether they want it or not, just in case.”

At that time, Jayden was also with him, so he had someone took the cash and put it in the car, just in case of need.

The cash was all in use at this time.

Theresa shouted at them, “There was only a little money in the red packet, and it's not enough to impress me. I'm powerless to open the door. It's up to you.”

Boyce knocked on the door, “Theresa, we go back a long way. Can you open the door for us?”

“Don't curry favor with me. Give me the red packets,” it was not going to work on Theresa.

Boyce smiled and said, “You have no conscience.”

“You can take it as I have no sense of conscience, and I'm a heartless person now. Anyway, I'll not let you guys come in easily,” Theresa made up her mind, and nobody could convince her.


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