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Snare of Love novel Chapter 655

Theresa still wanted to refuse her, but Dolores held her hand.

Armand didn’t appear during the wedding ceremony at all. It must be because of the wounds on his face so he didn’t want to show up in Theresa’s presence. However, he couldn’t hide any longer during the banquet, could he?

He should eat at least.

Dolores still wanted Theresa to know how much Armand loved her.

She could tell that Armand was pretty upset.

Theresa pressed her lips in silence. Actually, she also found it weird. According to the relationship between Armand and Matthew, Armand shouldn’t avoid attending the wedding. However, she couldn’t find him in the hall at all.

Now, Dolores deliberately asked her to follow her. Theresa wondered what Dolores wanted to do.

Did it have anything to do with Armand?

However, Theresa didn’t want to mention this man, so she didn’t ask.

Dolores patted her on the hand, “Come on. Follow me.”

Theresa lowered her head and hummed.

Right then, a waitress came over to knock on the door and inform them that the banquet had started, asking Dolores to get ready and go there later.

Theresa said OK and closed the door.

When the banquet was half done, the door of the lounge was pushed open. Matthew walked in.

Dolores looked at him and asked, “Why did you come back?”

He said he wanted to introduce Dolores to the directors of the overseas branches.

Wrapping around Dolores’s waist, he helped her to stand up from the sofa and asked, “Are you tired?”

Dolores nodded.

Probably it was because the baby had grown up, she always felt weak.

“Let’s meet those directors. Then I’ll send you back for a nap,” said Matthew. They couldn’t avoid the socialization today, and he also wanted to introduce Dolores formally into his business circle.

Theresa followed them both to the banquet.

Matthew introduced Dolores to his friends and employees first. Besides Boyce and Armand, there were a lot of talents in his company, who were all his capable employees.

“You’ve been hiding it so well. Look how old your kids are!” someone complained about Matthew when he walked to one table with Dolores.

Besides them, other guests were quite surprised as well. They never expected that Matthew had two children and they were so old now. They said he had been hiding them too secretly.

Of course, guests kept making toasts with them. Matthew would drink on Dolores’s behalf. Since she was pregnant, others didn’t complain as a pregnant woman couldn’t drink, which was supposed to be common sense.

Matthew didn’t stay long here. After exchanging a few words, he went to another table where Kenneth was, who was his business partner as well as a friend. Kenneth’s brother-in-law, Camden Vinson, was also at the table.

Holding a glass of wine, Camden stood up and said with a smile, “No wonder you have hidden them. Mrs. Nelson is so pretty. If I were you, I would hide her as well.”

“Congratulations!” Kenneth also raised his glass. Matthew clinked with them.

“Let’s have dinner alone some other day.” Kenneth knew that Matthew needed to socialize with a lot of people today, so he didn’t hold up him for so long.

Matthew said, “Of course. I’ll arrange it.”

Some guests came over to send their blessings. They were all from the upper class, so the new couple had to talk to them.


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