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Snare of Love novel Chapter 672

Amanda did not sleep nor speak, she nestled in Dolores's arms. Andrew was sitting on the sofa opposite, he pursed his lips and looked at his sister. He suddenly came down the sofa, went to Dolores, touched his sister's head and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Amanda did not speak.

He sighed. His sister was truly frightened this time and she did not even want to say anything.

It was late at night. Dolores asked Coral to take Andrew to bed. He refused. "What about you?"

"I'm waiting for your father." Dolores looked at her son. "Be a good boy and go to bed."

Andrew sat next to her and said, "I want to stay with you."

Dolores touched her son's head and took him into her arms. Waiting would not be so painful with them around.

They did not sleep that night. When it was bright in the morning, Coral said, "I'll get you something to eat. You didn't eat last night. With your current health, you can't always skip meals."

"Please make something."

Matthew had not come back yet. It must be that Boyce was not found yet. How could she have the appetite to eat?

Even if she did not eat, the two children still need something to eat. When Jayden and the gang came back, they could have something to eat too.

It was always right to prepare something.

However, all this was prepared in vain. They did not come back the whole day.

The two children could not help but fall asleep on the sofa. Dolores carried Amanda and went upstairs, while Coral took Andrew into the room downstairs to sleep.

She sat by the bed and pulled a little quilt over her daughter. She did not dare to put her down. When she fell asleep, she would suddenly wake up and look for her.

That was caused by excessive fright.

Coral put Andrew on the bed. Seeing that there was no sign of him waking up, she went to the kitchen and brought a bowl of soup to Dolores. "Do you want to eat this bowl of soup?"

Dolores shook her head. "I can't."

"You have to even if you can’t. You're not alone." Coral scooped the soup with a spoon, reached it to her and said, "I'll feed you."

"It’s okay, leave it on the table. I'll eat it later." Dolores could not possibly let Coral feed her. She really did not want to eat it, but she did not want Coral to worry too.

At this time, there was a sound of door opening downstairs. Dolores became alert. "Are they coming back?"

Coral said, "I'll go down and have a look."

Soon there were footsteps upstairs. It wasn't Coral. She turned back. The one coming in was Matthew.

"Well, did you find him?" Dolores asked anxiously.

Matthew did not speak, he jerked his collar and pulled down his face.

Dolores fell silent. He must not have found him, otherwise he would not be in such a bad mood.

Matthew frowned when he saw the untouched soup on the table. "You didn’t eat?"

"I can't eat." Dolores lowered her eyes.

Matthew sat by the bed, looked at his daughter and whispered, "It was Declan who did it. I don’t know how his family did it, they managed to get him out. They were going to go abroad. Old Mr. Bailey was going to get executed that day, and they wanted to avenge me."

During his two nights and one day outside while looking for Boyce, he had investigated the situation at that time. There was monitoring on the bridge. All the scenes at that time were captured.

Declan knew it was Matthew's car, but he did not know Matthew was not the one driving it. He drove a 4WD cross-country car and frantically hit Boyce's car. At that time, there were many cars on the bridge, and Boyce could not get away. Since there was a child in the car, he was very passive.

When the car was pushed to the railing by Declan's car, he threw Amanda out of the window and Amanda was rescued by the people on the road. Neither he nor Lucy got out and they fell with the car.


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