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Snare of Love novel Chapter 680

“Jasmine, your friend like you, don’t he?” Keith said.

Boyce was startled and curious at the same time as to why did he ask.

Jasmine was shocked, “What nonsense are you talking about?”

“He borrowed my mobile when I sent the clothes. I think he called his family telling them he’s doing fine. Does he plan to stay here? And…” He turned to Jasmine, “When I said I like you, he disapproved, if he really does wants the best for you, doesn’t he wants someone to take care of you?”

“Maybe he thinks we are not suitable to each other, you overthink,” Jasmine said.

She stood up wanted to walk away but was stopped by Keith, “I mean it when I said I like you.”

Jasmine was all blank and at loss for a word with this sudden confession.

“Jasmine, you are an orphan, but I can be your family. There won’t be any pressure on you being my family, no one will say anything…”

“Please stop it, I have no intention of getting into a relationship now,” Jasmine rejected.

“We are about the same age and our family background matches, please do consider…”

A sudden glass breaking sound from the house interrupted them. Jasmine struggled loose from Keith and ran towards the house. She saw Boyce standing in front of the desk with broken glass on the floor.

She dashed up to check Boyce’s hand, “Are you hurt?”

Boyce pressed his lips and watched Jasmine in silence.

Jasmine looked up and saw Boyce looking at her with a complicated gaze. She realized she was holding his hand and released them immediately, “You have injuries and I scare that you hurt yourself again…”

“You said you like me.” Boyce interrupted her.

Keith froze at the door.

‘Jasmine likes him?’

‘Jasmine likes him?’

The sentence kept repeating in his mind.

‘Of course, she looks so concern seeing him injured, it’s not something a casual friend will do. She stayed and took care of him at the hospital, she truly cares for him.’

He turned and walked away.

“I was just joking.” Jasmine defended.

She confessed knowing that they won’t see each other again, but now that he was in front of her, she did not dare to admit it.

“If I take it seriously?” After hearing Keith’s question ‘Does your friend like you?’ Boyce questioned himself why did he feel uncomfortable seeing another man next to Jasmine.

She said she might get married but he didn’t want her to marry any other man.

Why did he not want her to be with another man?

Perhaps, because he liked her, that was why he didn’t want her to be with any other man or marry someone else.

On the other hand, Armand was thrilled to receive a call from Boyce. He told Matthew first and intended to tell Officer Miller, so they could stop worrying.

While he was about to knock on Officer Miller’s door, he heard Mrs Miller said, “It’s been three days, is he still alive?”

No one answered her.


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