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Snare of Love novel Chapter 683

Boyce was wheezing with heavy breaths, “You have nothing to worry about. Before our marriage, I won’t do anything to hurt you.”

Even if they lay in the same bed, he wouldn’t touch her anywhere.

He felt some form of pressure in his heart as well. He always felt that Jasmine was too young, and if he did anything to her, it would make him as though a “rapist”. He would feel guilty.

Jasmine didn’t continue to tease him. She felt that he was really a rare gem whom she had to treasure. She got up from Boyce’s arms and seated herself opposite to resume the dinner. She picked up some dishes and put it in his plate, “Whatever you like to eat, I will make them for you.”

All of a sudden, Boyce felt like he was back at home. As a single man for a long time, the prospect of someone caring for him was attractive, and it was something precious to him.

He shoved the mashed potatoes which Jasmine had put into his plate into his mouth.

After dinner, Jasmine began to put back those cutleries, “If you can’t fall asleep, you should have it easy outside.”

Boyce shook his head as he followed her around and watched her wash those plates.

Jasmine glanced at him, “What’s there to watch here?”

“I want to learn this. Then I can help you do it later on.” Boyce said with a solemn tone.

Jasmine simply laughed.

“Ms. Burke, Ms. Burke.” Kirk came over with a watermelon in tow, “Grandpa wants me to give you this.” He saw Boyce, and then he added, “You guys can eat together.”

Jasmine put down the dishes, washed her hands and took over the watermelon. She placed it on the desk, “Help me to say thanks to grandpa.”

“My grandpa says you’re welcome. He told me that you’re a good person, Ms. Burke. You have given me a lot of learning tools. This watermelon is nothing.” Kirk said while smiling, and when he grinned, his shiny white teeth formed a stark contrast to his tanned skin, “I’ll be going now so that I won’t bother you.”

After saying that, he marched out of the house.

Jasmine looked at the watermelon on the table, and a kind of loneliness seeped into her eyes, “I will be missing them.”

She was afraid that no one would come take her place to teach those student once she was gone. Keith was not going to be here long term, and due to the poor condition here, not many would come here to be a teacher. She feared for those children’s future. They were innocent, kind, and they deserved to have a bright future. And the only way to reach that future was by education.

Boyce reached out and caressed her face. He could see through what she was thinking as he announced, “Leave everything to me.”

Jasmine looked up at him and asked with her eyes widened, “Do you have any solution?”

Boyce let out a vague sound of approval.

“You’re really great.” Jasmine tiptoed and wrapped her arms around his neck and she pecked at his cheeks.

After that kiss, she quickly let go and continued washing those remaining dishes. Her head was lowered, and she felt a subtle sweetness spreading in her heart.

At the same time, Boyce was standing rooted to the ground, as if he was still savoring the warmth of that fleeting kiss.

After finishing up with the washing, Jasmine stuffed the watermelon into a wooden bucket which was filled to the brim with well water, “The water from the well is cool. It can make the watermelon more refreshed, and we can eat it later.”

After saying that, she raised her head and looked at him, “I am going to take a bath.”

Boyce immediately replied, “I will be out there.”


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