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Snare of Love novel Chapter 686

With a live chicken in his hand, the principal chuckled and said, “Isn’t your friend hurt? I thought for a while, figuring that there are not a lot of good things here. So, I caught a chicken for your friend, maybe it’ll help him get better.”

Jasmine had already gotten used to the kindness and enthusiasm of the villagers. However, she was still surprised when she saw someone gifting a live chicken early in the morning to her. She asked, “Thank you, but didn’t you keep this chicken to be sent to your son?”

The principal’s son lived in a different city and married a girl from said city. His wife got pregnant and was due to give birth soon. Thus, the principal wanted to send a chicken to his son’s wife as a nutrient supplement after she gave birth.

“No worries, I have more chickens, so it doesn’t matter that I’m giving one to you. Kill it and make chicken soup, it’ll be good for your friend.” The principal handed the chicken over to her.

Jasmine could not bring herself to kill something that was still alive and jumping around the place.

“Thank you for your kindness, but I mustn’t accept your gift. My friend is very thick-skinned, he’ll live without the chicken soup, so please, keep your chicken.” Jasmine thought to herself, if Boyce really wanted some chicken soup, she would go and buy chickens that were already dead and make the soup, she could not stomach killing one with her own hands.

Even if she managed to kill the chicken, she could not stomach the soup later.

For her, not witnessing a living being lose its life right in front of her eyes would make her heart feel better.

“Come on now, I’ve brought it all the way here, I’m not bringing it back.” the principal tied the chicken to a brick and placed it next to her door.

Seeing his persistence, Jasmine felt that it would be rude for her to continue declining his gift.

“I understand, thank you very much, sir.” Jasmine said sincerely.

“No need to thank me, you’ve been a great help to us, we should be thanking you instead.” the principal clapped his hands together as he was about to leave. He recalled something, turned around and said to her, “Oh and by the way, you don’t have to go for your classes today, worry about your friend instead, yes?”

Jasmine replied with a smile, “I was just about to tell you the same thing. I’ll organize replacement classes two days later.”

The principal waved his hands, “Don’t worry about that, yeah? Keith and I will take care of it.”

He took his leave as he said that.

Jasmine looked at her newly acquired chicken, pinched her nose bridge as she had no idea how to deal with it. She got back into the house, wanting to see if Boyce was awake or not. What she found instead was a distressed Boyce, looking at her with confused eyes.

Jasmine was confused as well, touched her face and asked, “Do I have anything weird on my face? What’s wrong?”

‘Why was he frowning this early in the morning? Did someone piss him off?’

Boyce stood up, glared at her and asked in a serious tone, “Are you picking on me because of my age?”

Jasmine thought he must have burnt a fuse in his brain. She was pretty sure she made her stance clear on the matter, but why was he still asking her that question?


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