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Snare of Love novel Chapter 704

Matthew saw clearly the people who were standing at the door when getting closer, he called Dolores, “Boyce is back.”

Dolores didn’t fall asleep; she could hear him once he talked. She opened her eyes and looked toward the door; there was a girl with a backpack on the back standing beside Boyce Shawn.

Perhaps she was Jasmine Burke.

Soon, Matthew had parked the car in the yard. Dolores unfastened the seatbelt and pushed the door open to get out of the car.

Boyce walked hand in hand with Jasmine toward Dolores, “Sister-in-law.”

Dolores smiled at them, then she asked, “When did you come back?”

Boyce said, “We just got out of the car.”

After saying this, he introduced Jasmine to Matthew and Dolores, “You can just call them like how I do.”

Jasmine had seen Matthew before, but this was the first time for her to meet Dolores. She knew from Boyce that Dolores was young, now she had met her in person and she felt that Dolores was not only young, but she also looked very pretty as well.

“Nice to meet you.” Jasmine couldn’t call her sister-in-law at the moment.

Some more Boyce hadn’t settled his matter with Wendy Miller, it was inappropriate for her to call in this way now.

Dolores smiled, “Let’s go into the house, you guys should be tired riding the car.”

Boyce said that they were not tired, “We are here to ask for help from you.”

Dolores and Matthew stood next to each other, Dolores looked up at Matthew after hearing Boyce’s words, then she talked to Boyce, “Just tell us if you need our help.”

After all, the reason he had faced the dangerous thing this time, was because of them.

“I need to go back to the station and settle something with the Miller family, so I wish to let Jasmine stay temporarily at your house for a few days, I also still need to help her to settle the matters at her school.”

She had dropped out of school, now she wanted to go back again, so there were some procedures which were needed to be done and he needed to find the person in charge at the school.

Dolores agreed without hesitation, Boyce wanted to leave Jasmine here because he trusted them.

How could she deny it?

“Let’s go into the house first,” Dolores said smilingly.

Boyce nodded.

Matthew didn’t talk from the beginning to the end, he grabbed Dolores’s hand suddenly. In fact, he didn’t wish that there were other people at home during this moment, some more a stranger. Dolores’s situation had really made him suffer, he just wanted peace at home. However, Boyce would seldom ask for help, some more Boyce was almost dead because of him, so he should agree with it, no matter for the sake of their friendship or the sense.

He was just worried about Dolores, she was having something in her mind, but she still needed to treat others politely.

He felt uncomfortable.

Pushing open the door, the living room was full of playhouse toys. The two elderly were accompanying the two children, the scene looked so warm.

“Amanda,” Dolores called her daughter. Although she was not clingy anymore, she was not as talkative as in the past as well. Hearing that someone was calling her, Amanda Nelson looked toward there. She saw that Boyce was here too, she put down the ‘pot’ in her hand and stopped cooking the dish, she then ran toward there and stood not far away from Boyce.

Seeing Boyce, Amanda recalled the dangerous scene during that time again, she cried loudly all of a sudden.

Everyone was shocked, Dolores went toward her and hugged her, “Mommy is here, don’t scare.”

She patted lightly on her daughter’s back, but this tugged at her heartstrings.

Amanda was crying non-stop, no one could coax her.

Dolores kept on helping Amanda to wipe the tears away, her eyes became red automatically seeing that Amanda was crying so hard, her heart ached for her daughter. She kept on kissing her daughter’s forehead and cheeks, trying to comfort her frightened soul using her love.

Matthew knew that Dolores was so sad, he carried their daughter away from her arms.

He helped his daughter to wipe the tears away using his hand, but Amanda suddenly shouted toward Boyce, “Uncle Shawn.”

They were in danger together during that time, seeing him now made her recall the horror, stimulating the matters that she didn’t want to face, but now the things appeared clearly again in her mind.

Boyce walked toward her, stretched his hand patting on her head and comforted her, “The danger had passed already and now we’re fine, Amanda doesn’t have to scare anymore.”

Amanda blinked her eyes, tears dropping down; she sobbed and asked, “Is it true?”

“Yes.” Boyce answered confidently, and then he said, “Amanda is not pretty when crying.”

Amanda lifted her hand and wiped the tears away, but her shoulders were still shaking. She then pointed at Jasmine and asked hoarsely, “Who is she?”

Boyce glanced at Jasmine and said, “She is my girlfriend, I just want to introduce you to her, she is Jasmine Burke.”


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