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Snare of Love novel Chapter 719

Everyone turned their heads around, only to see Officer Miller striding in their way with a gloomy expression. They moved aside to make way for him, greeting him in a low voice, “Officer Miller.”

The man didn’t respond. He was infuriated.

Last night, Officer Miller caught a cold. His wife urged him to visit the hospital for a check-up today, so he went, thinking that his wife was concerned about him. But on the way there, he felt that something was off.

His wife wasn’t happy since their daughter came home last night. She told them that she had broken up with Boyce.

Officer Miller thought his wife might have some tricks brewing in her mind, and as expected, she did.

After getting him to the hospital, she came to the office to stir a fight.

It made Officer Miller feel ashamed.

Mrs. Miller was afraid of her husband. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have sent him away to the hospital before she came to the station.

“You…didn’t you go to the hospital?”

“Hmph! Instead of dying from illness, you’re going to infuriate me to death first. How many times have I told you to leave the children’s matters alone? Did you ever listen to my words? Are you only going to keep quiet when I divorce you?” Officer Miller’s face was red from anger, and no one had ever seen him this way before. After being in a high position for many years, most people would fear him when he got furious.

What more to say for Mrs. Miller who was a woman?

She was also scared of her husband, but fortunately, he wasn’t one to get mad often. However, she had indeed riled him up this time around.

“What are you dreaming away about? Move!”

It was shameful for Mrs. Miller to get scolded by her husband in front of so many people, but she did not dare to retort and could only suppress her dissatisfaction as she moved aside.

“Get back to work, everyone. Don’t stay around here.” Officer Miller ordered.

The situation wasn’t a joyful one, and it wasn’t good to meddle in their superior’s business so everyone quickly walked away from the scene and entered the building.

“You should go back to work too.” Officer Milled said to Boyce who hadn’t left.

Boyce nodded and entered the office after everyone else.

Mrs. Miller was not happy as she did not get what she wanted and even got reprimanded by her husband. She called out, “Boyce…”

Officer Miller threw a glare in her direction right away. It made her shook in fear for a moment and immediately kept quiet.

Boyce pretended not to hear that and headed to his office.

“He betrayed our daughter. How can you still side him…”

“Shut up!” Officer Miller was shaking from fury at this point, “Come in with me.”

Mrs. Miller held the bag in her hand tightly and followed Officer Miller into his office, who banged the door shut behind them. If somebody were to look closely, they can definitely see the ceiling shook a little.

Now, she did not dare to say a word anymore and just stood by the door.

“What the hell do you want? You came here to embarrass me, you know that? Do you want me to die an early death?” Officer Miller walked back and forth in his office with his hands on his back.


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