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Snare of Love novel Chapter 721

Armand squatted by the wall and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He shook a piece out, put it into his mouth, and clumsily lit it up.

This was also the first time Theresa saw him smoking.

She knew very well that Armand never smokes.

However, he was hiding and smoking in an isolated place at this moment. She could see how frustrated he was feeling inside.

To think about it, she was infertile herself, and his only family was urging him to get married and have children. How could he not be suffering deep inside?

Theresa really didn’t want to see him struggling so much.

She turned around quietly. She didn’t go upstairs to see Elizabeth anymore because she had underestimated Elizabeth’s desire for a great-grandson.

She didn’t think about it too much when she came over. She just wanted to see Armand and visit Elizabeth. It was this unplanned action that let her clearly see the problem between herself and Armand.

How long could they be together if they didn’t have any children?

Armand may not want one, but it would be impossible for his grandmother to not want one.

She sat by the flower garden on the roadside and gave Armand a phone call as she took her phone out. The call was picked up when it connected after it rang for a short while.

Theresa could imagine what he was doing when he answered the phone late.

He was probably adjusting his mood or putting out the cigarette in his hand.


Soon enough, Armand’s relaxed voice echoed over.

If she didn’t see him hiding and smoking to alleviate his emotions, she would definitely think that he was in a good mood right now as she listened to his voice through the phone.

However, she knew that Armand was just faking his good mood right now.

He was hiding his inner feelings in front of her.

“It’s nothing. I just wanted to call you,” Theresa lowered her head and looked at her toes, “Armand.”


Theresa really wanted to say, ‘Let’s break up.’

‘And stop tormenting each other.’

But she couldn’t say it out loud.

She could actually feel that Armand still had feelings for her.

She also felt the same.

“Why are you not talking? Did you miss me?”

As Armand’s voice echoed over, it pulled Theresa’s drifting thoughts back. She said, “I don’t know what to say.”

Theresa stood up and threw the flowers she bought into the trash can on the roadside, “I still have to work. I’ll hang up now…”

“Don’t hang up.”

Armand hurriedly interrupted her. He was afraid that she would hang up.

Theresa asked, “Did something happen?”

“You gave me a phone call, but you’re going to hang up without even saying that you miss me. Isn’t that too harsh?”

Theresa hailed a taxi, got in, and said, “Armand, can you stop being so immature?”

“Am I immature?” Armand’s voice echoed through. Before Theresa could respond, he spoke again, “I am immature, but I only want to be immature towards you.”

Theresa held her phone tightly. Her heart seemed to have been pricked by something.

The taxi driver asked, “Miss, where are you going?”

“Where are you, Theresa?”

“I’m in a car outside.”

Armand doubted, “Didn’t you say that you’re going to work a while ago? Why are you in a car right now?”


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