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Snare of Love novel Chapter 727

Theresa glanced at him and said, “I don’t have a car.”

Boyce took out his car key and said, “Take my car then,”

Theresa turned and stared at him.

Boyce smiled, “Why? Is there anything wrong if I let you drive my car?”

“Of course, there’s something wrong. You know that I don’t know how to drive. What if I drove into the river, whose fault would it be?” Theresa purposely mentioned the incident of falling into the river in the past.

Boyce pursed his lips, “Why can’t you see the kindness in people?”

“What? Has there been another argument?” Kevin Forbes interjected with a grin.

“Yeah, they’re still arguing. I’ll end up at fault if I help them.” Boyce complained when the opportunity came up.

Jessica Lennon laughed and advised, “Theresa, just let it slide.”

Kevin Forbis also agreed, “You’re all young people, just go outside and play if you have nothing to do. If there are any problems, just solve them, try to get along and stop the arguments. Hurry up, get married and make babies. it’s not that you’re young anymore, how much longer do you all want to wait?”

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

Armand Bernie and Boyce both looked at Theresa simultaneously.

The person who said this obviously didn’t know that Theresa was infertile.

Theresa was holding some dishes and when she heard what Kevin said, she suddenly became nervous. Her hands suddenly weakened, and the dishes fell on the ground with a crashing sound.

Everyone was taken aback.

Armand was the first to react. He walked over and grabbed her hand. Softly, he said, “Don’t worry. It’s just a few dishes broken, it’s okay, it’s okay.”

Theresa returned to her senses, “My hands slipped.”

“It is not a big deal.” Coral smiled and squatted to sweep the floor.

Everyone said it was okay.

“Dearest elders, we’ll take our leave first.” Armand pulled Theresa’s hands.

“Careful on the road,” Jessica said.

“We will.” Armand pulled Theresa and called Boyce, “You drive.”

“I thought that you didn’t drink?” Armand asked.

Boyce put on a face like he’s not willing to do it, “I didn’t drink, but does it mean I should be your driver?”


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