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Snare of Love novel Chapter 730

She knew the lady in the wheelchair.

She was Armand’s grandma, Elizabeth.

Why was she here?

Theresa changed her appearance, the old lady didn’t recognize her, she asked, “Who are you?”

She had never seen this woman.

Theresa didn’t know how to answer her for a moment, what should she say?

To tell her she was Theresa or what?

She’d never thought that she could meet Elizabeth here.

Boyce walked over, saw that it was Elizabeth, he smiled, “What causes you to come here, Mrs. Bernie?”

The old lady’s eyes turned wet and red, “I’m here for you and Matthew.”

Boyce took the wheelchair from the nurse, asked, “What happened?”

The old lady sighed deeply.

“It’s Armand, he made me angry,” once Elizabeth thought of Armand’s desperate look, she felt she couldn’t bear it.

“Did he ever call you?” Elizabeth asked.

They quarreled fiercely, so Armand left. She was worried about him, but she couldn’t accept his opinions.

“No, what happened?” Boyce took a look at Theresa and asked.

“He told me suddenly that he doesn’t like children and wants to be a dink, is he crazy?”

Boyce pushed Elizabeth away from the door, and asked Theresa to stay in the house.

She heard all that Elizabeth said, and knew what she was here for.

She wanted Matthew and Boyce to persuade Armand.

Even though she didn’t follow them, Theresa would know what the old lady was to say. She didn’t follow up, because it would only make her uncomfortable.

Boyce parked the old lady next to the rectangular fountain on the right side of the villa. He didn't say it in the house, because he was afraid Theresa would hear it.

There were many people in the room, Boyce was afraid that someone would slip out and let the old lady know it was Theresa who opened the door.

Actually, without hearing her out, he knew what happened already, or the old lady wouldn’t come here to the villa at such a late time in the night according to her health condition.

The old lady sighed, “Do you know what happened to Armand?”

She’d never heard that Armand didn’t like the kids, instead, he looked forward to having a kid of his own.

Yet, everything changed suddenly, every time she asked him to have a baby, he would show his unwillingness.

She couldn’t make it clear, and wouldn’t.

“Boyce, tell me, did anything happen to him? Why things turn to be like this?”

Boyce didn’t know how to persuade the old lady, “currently, in our society, there are many young people who don’t like children actually.”

“I don’t care about what other young men think about, only him!” The old lady interrupted him furiously, “You know his situation, we have only him as the grandson in our family, if he doesn’t want babies, then there won’t be another offspring in our family, how can I explain to his grandpa when I die?”

Boyce pursed his lips and didn’t speak.

Elizabeth looked at Boyce and narrowed her eyes, “Do you know something?”

“No, I...”

“Boyce,” Elizabeth interrupted him again, “I don’t have many days to live, don’t cheat me with Armand. Tell me, did he find Theresa?”

Except for this reason, she couldn’t think of other things that should make Armand so strange.

“Doesn’t she want to give birth to the baby for Armand?” The old lady guessed.

Boyce didn’t know what to say, “You are not in a good health, I’ll send you back to the hospital.”


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